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Secret admirer sends rescued dog sweet mystery packages filled with toys and treats

The unexpected giver of these gifts was moved by the dog's story and struggle to survive even after being abused and neglected for most of her life.

Secret admirer sends rescued dog sweet mystery packages filled with toys and treats
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @myrtlethemagicaldog

Undeniably, getting a little surprise from someone anonymous flatters our hearts. Myrtle, an adorable dog who was adopted in 2021, received a mysterious package in November. The package was received on the doorstep of her owner, Jessica Sattelberger and her boyfriend Adam's house. Two chew toys, a bag of chicken and waffle-flavored dog treats were included in the Amazon box. There was no message detailing who sent it, nor was there a return address, making it difficult to determine who sent it. One thing was certain it was for Myrtle. Little did Myrtle know, this was just one of the first she'll be receiving. The package left Myrtle thrilled but her humans incredibly fluxed. "If anyone would be sending Myrtle a gift, I would have guessed my sister because she will often send our dogs things," Sattelberger shared with The Dodo.

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The mystery sender, however, was someone neither Sattelberger nor Adam would have suspected. However, they figured it out soon. One of Adam's childhood friends informed him that their father had asked for Adam's address. Hence, the case was solved by declaring that Adam's friend's dad was the mystery admirer of Myrtle's. The amusing irony is that Adam has no relationship with the man they've christened "Uncle Bill."

Uncle Bill had only met Adam once in high school and it took some effort to figure out how he knew about Myrtle in the first place. "We officially adopted [Myrtle] in June of 2021, and then we started an Instagram page," Sattelberger explained. Adam shared it on his own page and Bill follows Adam, Bill must have known of it. Uncle Bill began liking and commenting on all of Myrtle's Instagram photos, and shortly after the items began to arrive, confirming that he is the mystery gift giver.

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Sattelberger added that the situation is made funnier further by the fact that Uncle Bill has his own children, who have their own pets, and he rarely sends toys and goodies to his granddogs in the mail. Bill seemed to have really liked Myrtle and even started signing off on the packages with 'Love, Uncle Bill.' "He’s taken a liking to our dog. The whole thing’s incredible," Sattelberger said in a TikTok video that was captioned, "We love Bill and our dog loves all her gifts."

Sattelberger and Adam often wonder why Bill sends gifts to Myrtle especially because he never explained himself. They guess that maybe Myrtle's story just touched his heart or maybe it was to encourage her. "We were making lots of videos about her and just showing how scared she was and how she was making strides, so maybe the gifts were a 'you're doing great' bit of encouragement," Sattelberger said.

Myrtle was rescued in Georgia as part of a cruelty/neglect investigation. She was in "horrible" condition, and based on the wounds on her body and face, one could assume she was a battle dog. Myrtle was one of the longest residents at the Humane Society in Chittenden County because she was in such bad form and had such trust issues. "Adam kept showing me Myrtle’s photo on the Humane [Society’s] Instagram and being like, 'She’s still there and no one is going to visit her.' And so, of course, we decided to go visit her,"  Sattelberger added.

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Sattelberger and Adam visited Myrtle at the Humane Society for two weeks, feeding her snacks and building her confidence. She finally warmed up to them, and they were given the opportunity to foster her for a few weeks. Myrtle was afraid during her foster period, which required a lot of adjustment. She hid in her box and the laundry baskets in the closet. She refused to go on walks too. She'd freeze the moment they took her outside. "Who else is going to give this dog the time and space she needs to come out of her shell?" they thought as every step was like a milestone. Myrtle began to develop into the feisty dog she is now with the guidance of a positive reinforcement trainer and a veterinarian behaviorist. She is at ease and enjoys walks and training exercises.

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Sattlelberger and Adam communicated briefly with Bill via Instagram, giving him thank-you messages after Myrtle opened her gifts. However, he's still primarily a pleasant stranger who enjoys spoiling a dog during her second opportunity at a happy life. Myrtle's parents, in addition to Uncle Bill's gifts, feed her with a choice of fresh food and kibble. Though Uncle Bill was a surprising addition to their lives, Sattelberger and Adam appreciate that he has become a member of the family in some ways.

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