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School warns mom about ‘strange man’ picking up daughter, doesn't know it's her without wig

Shanta was trembling when the school alerted her that her daughter was leaving with a stranger.

School warns mom about ‘strange man’ picking up daughter, doesn't know it's her without wig
Image source: TikTok/@heyshantaq

One of the most terrifying calls a parent can receive is from school authorities informing them that a stranger has been picking up their child. Shanta, known as @heyshantaq on TikTok, recently shared her experience of getting such a call, and the twist that followed had TikTokers both relieved and laughing. School staff notified Shanta that a mysterious man had been picking up her daughter every day. As they described the individual, Shanta’s mind raced—and then it clicked. She knew someone who matched the description.

While the video sounds alarming at first, it turns out to be hilariously lighthearted, earning over 1.3 million likes on TikTok. Shanta recounted the moment the school contacted her, explaining, “They said she had been leaving the school with a strange man every day—and it was not her dad." Like any parent, Shanta panicked. “I was trembling. My heart was beating outside of my chest," she shared in the video. What follows in her story is a twist that had viewers cracking up, showing just how quickly panic can turn to laughter in parenting moments.



She had already told the school to alert her if something like this had happened. "I’ve always made it a point to tell the school that if my daughter leaves with someone outside of ourselves, that they need to contact us immediately," she said. She wanted to know who it was and asked the school authorities if they knew anything. They described the stranger to her. “He was tall, stubby, looked like he was out of shape, his hair was fragile, he had a light mustache,” she recalled them telling her. "I asked them did they have any proof. They sent over a photo. My heart started beating. I started whimpering. I was shocked."


She dreaded looking at the photo of the man who was visiting his daughter at school and picking her up every day. She took a good look at him and she definitely knew him. "It was ME without my wig! It was ME y’all!" she exclaims in the video. She couldn't have been more relieved. The video has been watched by more than 4 million people and everyone found it hilarious. She was also immensely relieved.



The replies reflected the edge-of-the-seat narration from the concerned mother. "I went from concerned to dead in 10 seconds,” commented one person, while another wrote, “The way my hand clapped over my mouth I’m dead.” It was all good fun though. One person wrote, "This is why they don't want you on your phone while driving.. almost drove off the road cause I was crying laughing! Another person joked, “I was ready to send out an Amber Alert.” While the story was certainly hilarious, everyone was thankful her daughter was ok.












This article originally appeared 3 years ago.

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