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School students cheer and support dad exhibiting his rare talent after 10 years: 'Really cool moment'

The dad had attempted his work after 10 years and the 5th graders' energetic echoes were the only kind of hype he needed.

School students cheer and support dad exhibiting his rare talent after 10 years: 'Really cool moment'
Cover Image Source: Instagram|@sammillercomedian

Kids are often the greatest supporters. They are intrigued by what one has to offer and express their rawest, purest eagerness to encourage another. Their infectious energy to hype someone for even the minute thing remains unmatched. Similarly, a swamp of students was overjoyed and astounded after their fellow student’s dad offered to display his unique talent. Sam Miller, (@sammillercomedian on Instagram), a dad to a 5th-grader, was present at his son's school for his graduation ceremony. The event became more memorable after he showcased his skill that he had kept hidden for 10 years. The long time, lack of confidence, and all other feelings melted in a jiffy when the audience erupted in applause. 

Image Source: Instagram|@sammillercomedian
Image Source: Instagram|@sammillercomedian

The dad mentioned that he had a skill for chin balancing and wanted to demonstrate the same to the students. However, he recalled how an untoward accident paused his practice. “I hurt myself balancing a shopping cart on my chin about 11 years ago and since then, I haven’t really done it that much, if at all,” he explained. He was attempting to display his skill after 10 years and wasn’t sure how things would unfold. He started with a medium-sized carrier and lifted it perfectly and put it on his chin. The minute the equipment landed on his chin, he got his hands off and the students yelled excitedly, hyping the dad

Image Source: Instagram|@sammillercomedian
Image Source: Instagram|@sammillercomedian

It seemed the kids were already smitten with his skills, but the dad had more in store. Asking his son to assist him, the boy came with a ladder and handed it to his dad. The entire hall fell silent and students were unsure of what was to follow. The dad took his time and slowly placed the ladder in position. Gradually, he landed the ladder on his chin and very slowly took his hands off of the ladder. In a second, he had the entire ladder holding onto his chin while he proudly took a few steps ahead in the loud echo of the kids.

Image Source: Instagram|@sammillercomedian
Image Source: Instagram|@sammillercomedian

The tiny students loudly cheered as if they had seen a hero unfold his superpowers. It was a heartwarming moment for the dad for several reasons and the kids rooting for him made it all the better. He wrote, “This was a really cool moment for me and my boy. This felt like a perfect opportunity to come out of retirement!” People were surprised by the dad’s skills and the students’ supportive energy. @hodgepodzaline said, “The way those kids nearly rioted when you hit that ladder up.”

@nicolelovescomedy added, “This is so rad. I love the roar of the kids after the ladder stalls.” @luxewithlexi exclaimed, “I love seeing dads and sons make awesome core memories together. I bet he felt like the coolest guy in school, having everyone cheer for his dad like that.” @gender_splendour remarked, “I love that they all just start screaming!”

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