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Royal guards adorably acknowledge young boy saluting them while being dressed as a soldier

While most of the guards maintain their formal demeanor, one guard, holding a trombone, exchanged a brief greeting with him.

Royal guards adorably acknowledge young boy saluting them while being dressed as a soldier
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @frankthesoldier1

King's guards in London are never really interactive and are known to remain standing with their stoic stature. Many guests have tried to interact with or irritate them, but none of this has gained the guards' attention or made them move from their position. However, every generalization has an exception. One guard is being appreciated for acknowledging a little boy for precisely his outfit. Frank—who goes by @frankthesoldier1 on TikTok—posts videos of a little boy dressed up exactly as the King's guards and waiting near the gate to salute the guards.

Image Source: TikTok | @frankthesoldier1
Image Source: TikTok | @frankthesoldier1

Little Frank is known for dressing up in the scarlet tunics and bearskin that the soldiers who guard Buckingham Palace and St James's Palace wear. One video garnering five million views shows Frank saluting the group of guards as they pass by. Although all the guards don't acknowledge him, one guard holding a trombone appeared to exchange a brief verbal greeting and another guard at the back of the group gave him a sweet nod as if he were one of them. This greeting made Frank feel seen and smile wide since after the successful interaction, Frank turned to the cameraman and offered a thumbs-up, all gleeful.

Image Source: TikTok | @frankthesoldier1
Image Source: TikTok | @frankthesoldier1

One viewer added that one guard even remembered him. "My husband was one of the trombonists at the front. He told me about this," shared @Kate. The sweet little gesture seemed to have made the viewers' day as well. "That last nod brought tears to my eyes," commented @mhb_64. "How sweet the Guards give the little boy a quick acknowledgment," wrote @bvw1964. "Funny how simple things like this can be the best part of life," added @user315702643.

In another unique and heartwarming instance, a soldier was also praised for taking an unexpected step toward a young man with Down syndrome to help him take a better picture. According to Forces Network, an unidentified member of the Household Calvary's Blues and Royals regiment helped 17-year-old Ibrahim and his friend Mike van Erp get the photo they wanted. Mike asked Ibrahim to stand near the soldier but to maintain a certain distance and also asked him not to touch the soldier.

As they posed for the photograph, the soldier swiftly moved near them so they could get a better picture. "[Ibrahim] was nervous around the guard, probably because I was being careful to give the soldier space and because the guard has such emphatic body language," van Erp told the outlet about the sweet gesture. The soldier was recognized by Major Steve Parker, an official at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.


He tweeted and shared his thoughts on the meet and greet, writing, "I am proud to be a member of @HCav1660 (Blues and Royals) every single day but seeing this young Trooper do this has me bursting with Pride. Well done young man, you are a fantastic example of the empathetic, strong young leaders we need in the @BritishArmy." Troopers, like the one in the video, have strict rules about what they can and cannot do as the public face of the modern Army, prompting many on social media to worry he will get in trouble for his actions. However, the soldier is free to move around the area as he sees fit while performing his duties.

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