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Robin Williams' daughter celebrates his birthday by helping the homeless: 'Join me if you like'

The actor's loving daughter decided to use the otherwise bittersweet occasion to encourage others to help make an impact as well.

Robin Williams' daughter celebrates his birthday by helping the homeless: 'Join me if you like'
Image Source: Premiere of Columbia Picture's "RV" - Arrivals. LOS ANGELES - APRIL 23. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

On the occasion of what would have been the late actor Robin Williams' 69th birthday, his daughter Zelda Williams decided to celebrate in the most heartfelt way possible. She also invited others, most importantly, his fans, to participate in the celebration. Taking to Twitter, she announced that she would be honoring his legacy on his special day (21) by donating $69.69 to as many homeless shelters as she could. She later followed up on the social media platform with screenshots of all the places she had donated to. More and more, Zelda has been opening up about dealing with the loss of her father via social media, PEOPLE Magazine reports.



"Today would’ve been Dad’s 69th birthday," the loving daughter wrote on Twitter. "So to honor him (and that glorious number), I will be donating $69.69 to as many local homeless shelters as I can. Join me if you like, but regardless, know I am wishing you all at least one hearty, immature belly laugh on dad today." In follow-up tweets, she revealed that she had donated to organizations such as The Midnight Mission, The San Francisco LGBT Center, The Ali Forney Center, and more. Soon enough, her dad's fans joined in on the mission to uplift homeless folks in honor of his life. Even in his death, Williams continues to make a deep impact on the communities who need our support the most.



His daughter shared later that several non-profits had gotten in touch with her to say thank you for her initiative. "Charities are receiving $69.69 all over the world!" She stated. "The ripples of good you all spread is helping SO MANY! It’s more than just a ‘nice’ gesture... You’ve spread kindness like dad spread laughter, and I am forever grateful. I cannot express to you how deeply this would’ve touched dad. He loved the homeless, spent much of his life trying to help them, to uplift them, to have them be treated with dignity instead of disdain. Thank you for doing so in his name. Thank you, for keeping his kindness alive."



While Zelda seemed to be rather positive this year regarding her father's death, the occasion was bittersweet in 2018, when she noted the mixed emotions she felt. "It’s that time of year again," she wrote in a caption of a father-daughter photo. "Everyone who has dealt with loss knows the pain of certain anniversaries, moments full of memory that come round like clockwork and usurp all others, no matter how hard you may try to prepare for or avoid them. These weeks are the hardest for me, and thus, you’ll see me a lot less, if at all. For all the internet’s good intentions in expressing to me their fondness for dad, it’s very overwhelming to have strangers need me to know how much they cared for him right now. It’s harder still to be expected to reach back."



However, just like this year, she asked fans of the Dead Poet's Society star to do good and spread joy. Zelda urged, "If you’d like to do something in his honor, volunteer at your local homeless shelter, or look up how to make homeless aid backpacks. Give one in his name. He’d have loved that." She tagged a few organizations, including Challenged Athletes Foundation, the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, and the Reeve Foundation. If you haven't donated $69.69 in Williams' name yet, you can still pick a charity and do some good now!



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