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Restless driver who yelled at a pedestrian for no valid reason gets an instant taste of karma

The driver was already being impatient about the slow-moving traffic and the pedestrian passing by made him more furious.

Restless driver who yelled at a pedestrian for no valid reason gets an instant taste of karma
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Jeshoots, Reddit | u/RonnietheZombie

At times, we face the frustrations of random people for no fault of ours. This happens too often on roads when drivers lose patience over traffic or people crossing the road. However, one driver who was quite impatient and yelled at an innocent pedestrian, soon saw karma working its magic and paying them back for their unnecessary outrage. The pedestrian, u/RonnietheZombie, shared this incident on Reddit and people couldn't help but be amused by the rude driver's fate. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | John Guccione
Representative Image Source: Pexels | John Guccione

When the individual was walking to a shop near their home, they noticed that a massive part of the road on their way to the shop was dug up. Apparently, some construction work was going on and workers had placed a cautionary sign for the drivers. "It was a pretty deep hole though but not deep enough to harm a car if they slowly drove through it. This is in the suburbs so there were only a few cars that were taking their time to get over the ditch," the individual pointed out. After their visit to the store, the pedestrian found that the paused construction work had caused a roadblock with a few cars passing it slowly.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mary Taylor
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mary Taylor

That is when the pedestrian noticed an impatient driver who was blaring his horn loudly and waving his hands sporadically to keep the traffic moving faster. Looking at his luxury car, they assumed that he might be a rich man in the midst of a mid-life crisis. The pedestrian then waited for the cars to halt so that they could cross the road. "I did a quick check to see if there were any oncoming cars and ran over to the other side of the street. Remember, this is the suburbs, there is no crossing and it’s completely legal in my area to just cross the street," they mentioned. But they felt that their mistake was crossing the road in front of the "impatient" driver.

After the pedestrian reached the other side of the street, the driver was furious. His anger was redirected from the slow-moving traffic to this random pedestrian. "Mr impatient comes flying past me on the wrong side of the street and yells at me while hanging out of his window," the pedestrian shared. As the driver was focused on yelling, he failed to notice the upcoming ditch. "He drove smack into that ditch. It was a super loud bang and he was skidding to a halt. His entire front bumper was destroyed and who knows what other unseen damage there was," they added. Though the pedestrian at the moment ignored this hilarious scene that unfolded, they couldn't hold back their laughter after they walked out of the driver's sight.

Image Source: Reddit | u/No_Satisfaction_3365
Image Source: Reddit | u/No_Satisfaction_3365
Image Source: Reddit | u/butterfly-garden
Image Source: Reddit | u/butterfly-garden

"With a little luck and karma, he may have destroyed his bumper and possibly radiator and hoses, depending on how low he is," quipped u/LostFireHorse. "He had his say, when he shouldn’t have spoken, and can say no more. He can only blame himself. Funny how these things happen!" said u/CantBelieveThisIsTru. "Cherry on top would have been if you had put on your nicest smile and wished him a wonderful day," joked u/Necrom90.

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