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Restaurant employee quits after being written up by toxic boss for saving an elderly customer's life

The employee's quick thinking saved the life of the old woman who was looking confused to them in the restaurant.

Restaurant employee quits after being written up by toxic boss for saving an elderly customer's life
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto; (R) Reddit | u/staysynful

Not everyone understands what it means to make a sacrifice just to save the life of another person. In an incident shared by u/staysynful on Reddit, we get to know about an employee who took a stand for a stranger's life but was later met with an unjust consequence. This story reveals the challenging dynamics often faced in workplaces, where compassion and quick thinking clash with management's rigid rules and insensitivity.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Afta Putta Gunawan
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Afta Putta Gunawan

The Reddit user worked at a local burger joint, where they were employed twice - first as a manager before moving on to another job and then as a part-time worker. Both job opportunities at this establishment were marked by an overbearing owner, described as a "total b****rd" who made their work experience a living nightmare. The owner's penchant for overreacting to minor inconveniences set the stage for the events that would later unfold. One day, the employee was stationed up front, meticulously slicing tomatoes while awaiting customers. Their general manager (GM) had embarked on an hour-long break, leaving only them and one other employee to handle the front of the restaurant. The ambiance was uneventful until the entrance of an elderly lady who, by all accounts, appeared to be in a state of confusion.

The woman's behavior raised concern among the employees as she repeatedly approached the counter, ordering a soda despite having a cup already purchased that allowed her to refill it. Her actions were repetitive, alternating between entering the restaurant, sitting on the steps outside and returning to the counter to buy more soda. The employee and the coworker sensed that something was amiss and began discussing the situation among themselves.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jvxhn Visuals
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jvxhn Visuals

Responding to their instincts, the employee took it upon themself to call the local non-emergency line to report the woman's puzzling behavior. This initiative, motivated by genuine concern for the lady's well-being, prompted the dispatch of police officers to investigate the situation. During this time, the GM returned from her break, inquiring about what was going on. The employee disclosed that they had made the call, explaining their worries for the elderly lady.

Image Source: Reddit | u/nerdgirl71
Image Source: Reddit | u/nerdgirl71

Upon the employee's departure at the end of their shift, it became apparent that the police had taken the woman away in an ambulance. Little did they know that their actions would soon become the subject of undue reprimand. After the life-saving intervention, the employee returned to work only to find themselves being written up. The GM explained that they should have waited for her return before taking any action.

Image Source: Reddit | u/cheap_dates
Image Source: Reddit | u/cheap_dates

The employee considered this response preposterous and while making a copy of the write-up, defiantly refused to sign it. The weight of their decision to take prompt action came to light when the lady's family revealed the dire consequences that might have unfolded if not for their quick thinking. "About a day or two later the lady’s family calls. They said if we waited any longer, she would have died because she was in diabetic shock.

So yeah, I got written up and then I quit," shared the Reddit user. 

Image Source: Reddit | u/call_me_jelli
Image Source: Reddit | u/call_me_jelli

People in the comment section sided with the employee and shared their personal views. u/XediDC shared a similar story and wrote, "Home Depot fired a guy for helping cops stop a kidnapping. Like he was on the phone giving them info and had no actual contact with the kidnapper. Corporate tried to walk it back when it made some news, but did anything happen to the store management or HR? Nope, of course not. They were essentially following policy. I'd also simply let the family know. If I were that family...well, customers often have better results going scorched earth than employees. And with OP's permission in that situation, I would. Especially if it's a corporate chain...hey, that GM would be in for a fun time."

When one user asked the employee to report the whole scenario to a local news station, they said: "I tell people who want to order from them all the time. Not just because of this issue but because they also refuse to clean the fryers properly and most of the staff works there 12+ hours a day. When I worked there I had no life outside! But the final straw was almost letting a woman die!"

Editor's note: This article was originally published on October 16, 2023. It has since been updated.

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