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Reporter wins hearts as her Boston accent slips out during serious reporting: 'When you least expect it'

Fleming said, "It’s been a lot of fun, people certainly have their opinions on how they feel about the Boston accent, but it’s been mostly positive!"

Reporter wins hearts as her Boston accent slips out during serious reporting: 'When you least expect it'
Cover Image Source: Twitter | @EllenFlem

Being a reporter, a person has to speak for hours and it is quite obvious for them to end up having some slip-outs. Ellen Fleming, Massachusetts State House reporter for the channel WWLP-22News recently shared a video on Twitter of her accent slipping during serious reporting. In the video, she says, "Parts of this bill are similar to the executive orders that have already been put in place in New Hampsha." She then stops for a moment and correctly enunciates the word as "New Hampshire."

However, the reporting was not live on air and was just an outtake. 



Fleming captioned the video, "Sometimes that Boston accent slips out when you least expect it." The tweet has more than 26 million views. Many on Twitter could relate to her and asked her to never change it. @johnguilfoil said, "Probably the most likes I’ve gotten on a tweet lol Ellen don’t change a thing. I’ve been in MA for 20 years and I still order kaw-fee every morning." @certaintragedy wrote, "Why drop your accent? I think people should be proud of them, and folks shouldn’t judge others for having one, especially in local news." @HardingReports said, "To be honest, that’s actually how it’s pronounced, you were absolutely correct." @SoCalValerie wrote, "Gurrrrrl I hear you! My southern accent slips out when I say the word “Friday” sometimes and I have to stop and start over. Hahahahaha." Fleming told TODAY, "It’s been a lot of fun, people certainly have their opinions on how they feel about the Boston accent, but it’s been mostly positive!"



She also got approval from New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu who wrote, "New Hampsha is just fine by us, @EllenFlem." 



Talking about reporting, there was a big snowstorm winding down in New Hampshire last month and the reporter who was covering it for WMUR, Troy Lynch, couldn't help but play in the snow. In a hilarious video posted on Tiktok by Lynch, he can be seen making a snow angel, having snowball fights, and creating a snow throne for Big Papi bobblehead. He makes comments like, "If you have energy at 7 am or 7:20ish you need to come out here and build snowmen," and "I'm taking a break right now it's been a really long morning building snow forts. Amy, I know how it looks, but this is easily the hardest I have ever worked."



The video went viral with more than 12 million views and is captioned, "Producer: “Troy, report on the snow. Me:" People on Tiktok just loved his reporting of the snowstorm. A Tiktok user wrote, "I mean this is the reporting we all actually need- how are we supposed to know if it’s snowball snow or not?" Another said, "If all news anchors were like this I’d actually watch it." A third one said, "and the fact that this was really live makes this 1000 times better." According to WMUR website, Troy joined the news organization at WMUR-TV in Manchester, New Hampshire in July 2022. He grew up in Manchester in Orange County, California, where snow isn't the most common. 

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