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Relationship coach explains why remaining silent is the most powerful thing to do after a breakup

The no-contact method is the perfect way to be after breaking up with your partner since it allows you to take back your power and dignity.

Relationship coach explains why remaining silent is the most powerful thing to do after a breakup
Cover Image Source: Tiktok/@michaeltothemax

Experiencing the end of a significant relationship can be a challenging ordeal. Depending on the circumstances, the aftermath may ignite impulses to reach out, express frustration, or engage in actions that hinder the process of healing and moving forward. Nevertheless, amidst the emotional turbulence, there exists a powerful tool that can aid recovery: silence. Based on a video by relationship coach Michael (@Michaeltothemax), choosing to be silent after breaking up can allow you to get back your power and dignity.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio


Silence holds a unique potency in the aftermath of a breakup. As Michael wisely shares in a TikTok video, "Your silence says more than words ever can." When faced with being on the receiving end of a breakup, maintaining composure, refraining from appearing "needy" or "clingy," and disengaging from contact with your former partner can convey the most compelling message. He says that by embracing a strategy of 'no contact' with your ex, you essentially place the decision to end the relationship squarely in their hands. 

Image Source: Tiktok/@michaeltothemax
Image Source: Tiktok/@michaeltothemax


He states that by choosing to be silent, you are implicitly communicating, "You wanted me out of your life? You’ve got it. You wanted to see what life would be like without me? You’ve got it." Michael believes that this approach offers your ex the "permission" to evaluate life's possibilities elsewhere. Michael says, " Your silence is your superpower." He then goes on to explain the POV of the person who has broken up with you. Once their relief about doing something unpleasant (breaking up with you) is over, they get to "reflect on what you may have truly meant to them."

Image Source: Tiktok/@michaeltothemax
Image Source: Tiktok/@michaeltothemax


Once the initial choice to break up with someone is over; that is when it starts to hit. "They get to think about the music that you both shared together. The times that you had. The laughter. The great moments that bonded you in ways that nothing else ever could," he explains. He continues by saying, "The void that you leave with your silence can bring about a thousand waves that words could never accomplish." While this is no sure-shot way to ensure that they come back to you, it can definitely ensure that you feel good, says the coach. In the aftermath of a breakup, silence becomes a superpower. In the end, the ability to move forward begins with this powerful tool - silence.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/RDNE Stock project
Representative Image Source: Pexels/RDNE Stock project


One of the viewers, @mynnie07, agreeing with Michael commented, "I always walk away in silence. It’s called self-love, self-preservation. And setting boundaries. Blocked. On all platforms." When Michael said that silence allows one to get back their dignity and power, this is what he meant. Another commenter, @lordpryme, chimed in and said, "13 months ago, he ended our 9-year relationship. He left and took his things that night. I've never reached out and been in no contact for 13 months." @francescapring81 spoke about it from the person who broke up's POV, and that makes sense as well. They said, "Also, it helps you respect their wishes, give them space and it gives you the chance to heal and move on." All said and done, Michael concludes his video by saying, "Words are silver but silence is golden."

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