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Redditor 'turns off every automated task they'd ever set up' when firm tries to make them redundant

An employee proved just how vital they were when they were about to be fired. Instead of being let go, they returned to the firm with a $10,000 raise.

Redditor 'turns off every automated task they'd ever set up' when firm tries to make them redundant
Image Source: South_agency / Getty Images

The Reddit forum Petty Revenge is dedicated to folks who have taken sweet, sweet revenge against those who did not appreciate them. In one post, an employee shared how their firm faced its day of reckoning after they proved just how vital they were. Reddit user Frostytoes99, who had set up dozens of automated tasks to increase the organization's efficiency, was almost let go because they were thought to be redundant. However, they quickly turned off the automated tasks to show the company how critical they were to the firm's operations. Ultimately, they returned to the office with a $10,000 pay hike.


"I was hired at an organization as a job title of basically 'helper,'" they explained in their post. "Well, for someone who is supposed to just be helping, I had a ridiculous amount of work. Almost all of my coworkers were huge technologically illiterate boomers. For example, one guy would spend half his day copying items and passing them into another program we use. HE DIDN'T EVEN USE CTRL+C, CTRL+V." In order to make the task quicker, the Redditor wrote a program to do this automatically but did not tell him. They would run it occasionally as part of their responsibilities.


They continued, "Anyway, I did a lot of stuff like this, I'd estimate I saved about 15 hours of work every day, on top of the 8.5 hours I did too! But then insert Sergeant F*ck Face. (This wasn't the military but I just like to call him that.) We [were] having a team meeting when he [showed] up. White hair combed okayish, a scrunched face, glasses. He just sort of just showed up one day and took notes during our morning meeting." He remained at the firm even a week later, at which point he had become hostile towards the employee. He would ignore them during group conversations and would even literally scoff at them.

Then, one day, the employee happened to stumble upon Sergeant F*ck Face's notes. "I was having a really rough week looking for some extremely important files," they shared. "People were yelling all day. I was exasperated. Too much to do, I was having anxiety attacks at home in the middle of the night. But it was Friday so I was pulling through. As I looked for this file, I ended up deep in our file structure and the search returned a personal folder structure within one of the drives. I clicked out of curiosity and there it was: 'Sergeant F*ck Face's notes.' I opened it and there was a whole section about me. This guy basically goes from location to location getting people fired to save the CEO's money. And he was working on me now." They scrolled through his notes and at the very top they saw comments about the original poster.

So, they set up three email automations. One, to let their boss know they would be taking two weeks off. Another, to the company, letting them know they will not be present for two weeks so whatever work they needed the employee to do they would have to do themselves. And a final auto response that said the following: "I will be out for an unknown amount of time, for any routine, emergency, or even occasional items, it is imperative you reach out to Sergeant F*ck Face for assistance." Lastly, they turned off every automated task they had ever set up.

Soon enough, they began receiving calls that they did not answer. "[The firm] didn't last long apparently," they noted. "But I stayed strong and didn't respond to anything." Not long after, they received an email from their boss essentially begging them to return. The boss wrote in their email, "I've talked with Sergeant F*ck Face's boss, and he will be leaving our location. I explained our progress meetings seemed to be going in the wrong direction and that you are one of our most valuable employees here." The employee thus returned the following week with a $10,000 raise "and Sergeant F*ck Face out of my face." Sweet, sweet victory.

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