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Red wine started flowing from the faucets in this Italian town. Some residents bottled it.

The local winery in the town of Castelvetro received an interlude from its coronavirus outbreak when red wine started flowing through showerheads and kitchen sink taps.

Red wine started flowing from the faucets in this Italian town. Some residents bottled it.
Image Source: (L) mrsarcasticass1 / Twitter (R) Classen Rafael / EyeEm / Getty Images

Some people might believe that this period is the end of days. If there's anything that could reiterate that belief, it's probably an incident that recently took place in a small town in northern Italy. For a few hours on Wednesday last week, red wine flowed from the faucets of those in the town of Castelvetro, CNN reports. From the tap in their kitchen sinks to their showerheads, a malfunction at the local winery caused about 1,000 liters - that's just over 260 gallons - to flow through over a dozen households in the neighborhood. The incident has since gone viral on the internet.



The wine was ready to be bottled at the Cantina Settecani winery. However, because of a glitch, the wine leaked into the town's water pipes. According to Giorgia Mezzacqui, the deputy mayor of Castelvetro, the leak lasted for an estimated three hours, impacting at least 20 households in the area. Thankfully, the leak did not pose any health risks, as per a post uploaded to Facebook by the local government. Therefore, the residents did as any sane person would - and bottled the wine up! Fabrizio Amorotti, the commercial manager at Cantina Settecani, stated that the small malfunction "was appreciated by many." He shared, "Some clients in the areas called us to warn us about it, and to share they were bottling the wine!"



The winery explained in a statement provided to CNN that the malfunction was caused "by a faulty valve in the washing circuit within the bottling line." Due to this, Lambrusco Grasparossa, the town's local specialty of sparkling red wine, leaked through the town's water lines as a result of its high pressure. While the winery and the local government have chosen to call the incident a malfunction, many have opted instead to call it a "miracle," "innovation," or "enhancement." Several others have weighed in on the matter, suggesting that Jesus finally arrived in Italy. Caroline Padilla, a food writer for Eater LA, tweeted, "My dreams have been answered but in the wrong town."


The moment provided a brief interlude from an otherwise difficult time for the town and its residents. The town has been one of the worst-hit areas of the coronavirus pandemic. While residents across the country have been warned about the quickly-spreading disease, northern Italy has been especially affected. The town of Castelvetro, located in the heart of the Emilia-Romagna region, is typically a tourist destination for food and wine enthusiasts from all over the world. Unfortunately, since the epidemic struck, about 80 percent of tourism structures in the area have had cancellations, the deputy mayor confirmed. Small towns such as Castelvetro are "the engine propelling an extraordinary nation, but now we need everybody's help to survive," she said.



As per the latest update, Italy is currently in "massive shock therapy," the BBC reports. The country has introduced the most restrictive measures since World War Two. Coronavirus has caused 366 deaths thus far. A further 16 million people in northern Italy need permission in order to travel under quarantine rules. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced on Monday that the government would inject more money into public health efforts so as to mitigate the impact of the outbreak. As the world continues to grapple with one of the fastest-spreading diseases in history, Italy can only hope to gear up.


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