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Basketball fans break Guinness World Record for most capes at a gathering for a good cause

They wanted to raise awareness and money for a rehabilitation center that works with disabled children.

Basketball fans break Guinness World Record for most capes at a gathering for a good cause
Image Source: Youtube/CityNews

Basketball is more than just a game. It celebrates the spirit of sports and unity among everyone. On Monday, the impact of its unity was portrayed in Mississauga, Canada. Red capes were worn by 2,854 fervent Raptors 905 supporters in support of a worthy cause. The Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and Raptors player Pascal Siakam's PS43 Foundation Canada joined up with the NBA G League affiliate of the Toronto Raptors to present Cape for Kids Night at the Paramount Fine Foods Center, per Global News



It was worthwhile to contribute his name to the cause, according to Siakam, who encouraged supporters to don the capes for the record attempt between the first and second quarters. Siakam said, "They go through a lot and if we can do anything we can to help them — and sometimes a little bit is a lot and we don’t even realize it, so everything that we can just to help is very important to those kids."

Courtney Charles, Raptors 905 vice-president of Basketball and Franchise Operations, said, "When the opportunity came to work with Pascal and to take this chance of breaking the Guinness book of records for most capes worn at an event, it was a no-brainer." The final figure was verified by a Guinness World Records adjudicator who was there. The previous record of 2,266 was established in September 2019 at Warner Brothers World in Abu Dhabi by a group of fans wearing Batman capes.



The hospital's annual Capes for the Kids fundraising effort, which seeks to collect $1 million to assist children and teenagers with disabilities, received a percentage of the ticket sales from Monday's game. Sandra Hawken, president and CEO of Holland Bloorview Foundation, said, "When they’re at Holland Bloorview it really is utopia. It’s the one place where kids are seen, where their differences are celebrated, and they’re not bullied. Kids with disabilities have the highest rate of bullying and mental health issues."

Hawken feels that eradicating the stigma associated with disabilities is essential, and Holland Bloorview supports kids in leading fulfilling lives. In its seventh year, Capes for Kids has generated more than $4.3 million, with the funds going to Holland Bloorview for care, education, and research. Another beautiful moment in sports was displayed by a video posted on Reddit by u/shamansufiand.



A player dancing to the music in the game's center opens the clip. Her squad is cheering her on as she proceeds to perform all of her dancing routines in front of the audience. She moves to the music while her teammates applaud her. But one of the other team's players chooses to have fun on her own. In the funniest manner she could think of, she mockingly imitated the other player's dancing steps. She mimics her dancing steps with her hands in the air, and everyone joins in on the laughter. This was a particularly wonderful time since the friendly competition kept everyone motivated and relieved some of the pressure to succeed. The player in blue is Kim Yeon-koung, according to Reddit user u/sandeulbaram, and the two are good friends. 

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