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Radio host delivers epic comeback to anti-vaxxer claiming natural immunity protects him from Covid

A person called to radio personality Thom Hartmann's show and claimed he didn't need the vaccine as he had natural immunity.

Radio host delivers epic comeback to anti-vaxxer claiming natural immunity protects him from Covid
Image source: TikTok/@thomhartmann

Anti-vaxxers have been citing a thousand reasons to avoid getting the vaccine but one of the more prominent ones is the claim that their natural immunity is enough to deal with the Coronavirus. There is overwhelming evidence that the vaccines work but it's almost impossible to convince them. Earlier this year, the CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky confirmed that 97% of those getting admitted were unvaccinated, reported NPR. Despite ample evidence, Anti-vaxxers continue to state that they trust their natural immunity. One radio host won plaudits on the internet after he delivered a clap back at anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers with a brilliant analogy. Thom Hartmann has been long been trying to urge his listeners to get the vaccine but when one listener played the 'natural immunity card,' Hartmann delivered a take-down so beautiful, the internet applauded.



The American radio personality and the author was taking calls from his listeners when one caller said, "Hey Thom, I've been listening to you for the last half hour or so. I heard survival of the fittest. You know some of us choose not to vaccinate." Thom shot back, "You're nuts, Nicholas," before letting him continue. "Because we work very hard about staying fit, eating healthy, and our natural immune system," the caller said. Thom intervened and asked a hypothetical question to gauge his stance, "So Nicholas, if you're so healthy, would you have unprotected sex with someone who has syphilis or gonorrhea?"



Nicholas doesn't answer the question but says, "You're missing the point." Thom persists, "No, I'm not missing the point. They're contagious diseases. Would you have unprotected sex with someone who has syphilis and gonorrhea and not worry about it because you're so healthy?" Nicholas replies, "No, I wouldn't do that." Thom continues, "Ok, then why would you expose yourself to Covid without protection?" hitting at the very base of the argument that natural immunity alone can negate contagious diseases. The caller doesn't argue with the logic of Thom's analogy but keeps insisting he is protected by his natural immunity.



Thom then pointed to the irrefutable evidence showing natural immunity wasn't enough. "Nicholas, tell that to 800,000 dead Americans." Thom stated he won't entertain another second of someone who refused to accept basic facts. "This is a stupid conversation and I'm not going to continue it," said Thom. The video was posted to Thom's TikTok account where it went viral, garnering more than 650k views and 97k likes. People lauded Thom for the brilliant analogy that cut through the anti-vax argument like a hot knife through butter. "As a microbiologist, this has been the best analogy I have seen. It made me laugh for 5 minutes and it was the perfect timing when I needed it," wrote one person. "Survival of the fittest means those smart enough to get vaccinated," wrote another. Another TikTok user commented, "Ok. If that’s true then he should have no problem French kissing someone in the ICU with Covid right? These people are just so unqualified to speak."





Thom Hartmann also wrote about the devastating effect the Omicron variant could have. "Science doesn’t lie — a true sh*tstorm is on its way, and it’s going to hit red-county Trump voters like the climate change hurricanes just hit Kentucky," wrote Hartmann in common dreams. "Omicron is on its way, and it loves to infect people who've been previously infected with other variants of Covid, the unvaccinated, and even people who think they're fully vaccinated (but not boosted)."





The White House didn't mince words either as they warned those who are unvaccinated that they were in for a rough winter. "For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm," said the White House in a statement. "So, our message to every American is clear: There is action you can take to protect yourself and your family.  Wear a mask in public indoor settings. Get vaccinated, get your kids vaccinated, and get a booster shot when you’re eligible."

You can watch the video here: 





Disclaimer: Information about the pandemic is swiftly changing, and Upworthy is committed to providing the most recent and verified updates in our articles and reportage. However, considering the frequency in developments, some of the information/data in this article may have changed since the time of publication. Therefore, we encourage you to also regularly check online resources from local public health departments, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization

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