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Racoon politely waits in a Dunkin' drive-thru and orders a donut: 'He's definitely a regular'

Raccoons are notorious for scavenging through garbage and making a mess, but this distinguished creature has proven that raccoons can also be prim and proper, especially when asking for a donut.

Racoon politely waits in a Dunkin' drive-thru and orders a donut: 'He's definitely a regular'
Cover Image Source: Tiktok / @samguptuppy

While Dunkin' Donuts has a large fan base and is popular among celebrities—including Ben Affleck, who is often seen carrying a cup of Dunkin' coffee with him—an unusual customer has joined the famous donut chain's fandom. In a viral TikTok video posted by Samantha Jane Guptil (@samguptuppy) on May 7, a raccoon is seen waiting in a Dunkin' drive-thru and politely asking for a classic frosted donut.

According to TODAY, the clip was taken at an Orange City, Florida-area Dunkin', where Guptil can be heard narrating the donut adventure of what may be the most polite raccoon in the United States. 

Image Source: TikTok / @samguptup
Image Source: TikTok / @samguptup

Generally, raccoons are notorious for scavenging through garbage and making a mess. However, this distinguished creature has proven that raccoons can also be prim and proper, especially when asking for a donut. “What in the world? My dude. He wants some Dunkin’ donuts,” Guptil says in the video as she waits in line in the car. After watching the raccoon approach the takeout window, the driver pulls forward a bit to get a closer look while Guptil cautions: “Don’t hit him, don’t hit him!”

The raccoon patiently sits in front of the drive-thru window anticipating his dessert. “What is he doing? Are they gonna give him a donut?” Guptil says in the video as a worker sticks her hand out. “Oh, they’re gonna give him a donut? Oh, my God! Do it. Throw him the donut.”

Image Source: TikTok / @samguptup
Image Source: TikTok / @samguptup

What happened next surprised Guptil even more. With the help of its forepaws, the raccoon politely grabs the vanilla-frosted donut before turning around and scurrying away into a nearby bush to enjoy the meal in peace. “Oh, my God,” a shocked Guptil says. She posted the video on Facebook and said in a comment that the raccoon "seemed like a regular." She added, "He knows the drill. He hardly moved when I went through with my Tesla... he is a stubborn old guy."


While raccoons are known to be opportunistic feeders and will eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, insects and small animals, it is not common for them to eat donuts. Their love for sugary treats and candies has emboldened these masked bandits to raid vending machines and trash cans. Scientifically classified as Procyonidae, these nocturnal ring-tailed creatures are known for being adorable and sneaky, so much so that many people in the comments could not have enough of its cuteness.

Image Source: TikTok / @samguptuppy
Image Source: TikTok / @samguptuppy


Image Source: TikTok / @samguptuppy
Image Source: TikTok / @samguptuppy

"I need to hear from the Dunkin workers and also the raccoon. I need all sides to how this started because I’m obsessed," commented @heybillay. "She does this often. Also, I wonder if the raccoon is like 'Rachel is working! We can get our donuts'" added @not_chels34. "The fact that she handed it to the raccoon, rather than tossing it. My heart," wrote @joey_avino. Social media users also said that the food chain secured a valuable piece of marketing content with the video. "Ben Affleck? Forget him! Here's your Dunkin commercial," said @thelindsayhowellshow. "Put it on a commercial and say even raccoons run on Dunkin," added @nenaandscar. "I didn’t know Dunkin was doing a 'Guardians of the Galaxy' collab," joked @tdrico

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