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The ‘QAnon Shaman’ just broke up with Trump, Agrees to testify against him in impeachment trial

Angeli reportedly feels let down after Trump's refusal to grant a pardon to those who participated in the insurrection.

The ‘QAnon Shaman’ just broke up with Trump, Agrees to testify against him in impeachment trial
Cover Image Source: Getty Images/Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley, known as the QAnon Shaman, is seen at the Capital riots. (Photo by Brent Stirton)

Jake Angeli, the Phoenix man who became one of the most notable faces of the US Capitol riot in his bare-chested, horned Viking headdress avatar, is now reportedly rethinking his devotion to former President Trump. The infamous 33-year-old was indicted earlier this month on six counts, including violent entry and disorderly conduct in the Capitol building and obstructing an official proceeding. Angeli's lawyer, Albert Watkins, has now informed the press that his client wants to testify against the former president he was once "horribly smitten" with. Speaking to the AP, Watkins said that Angeli — who prefers to be known as the "QAnon Shaman" — feels let down after Trump's refusal to grant a pardon to those who participated in the insurrection. 




"He felt like he was betrayed by the president," said Watkins, who has also represented the St. Louis gun couple. This comes just weeks after Angeli told VICE News that he was "not worried at all" about the pending investigation into him. "I'm quite proud of my participation," he said at the time. "I'd like to think I was an observer of history being made right in front of me." He appears to have completely changed his tone now as in a statement to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Watkins said that Angeli is willing to talk about whether he believed that Trump would accompany protesters to the Capitol and "whether the words of former President Trump were understood by Mr. Chansley to be nothing short of an invitation to go to the Capitol with the President to fight like hell."




"If the pending Article of Impeachment has merit, the voice of Mr. Chansley, and the voice of others in like position, must be heard and believed," Watkins added. He said that he hasn't spoken to any member in the Senate since announcing his offer to have his client testify at Trump's trial — which is scheduled to begin the week of February 8 — and that it's important for senators to hear the voice of someone who was incited by Trump. Angeli hasn't yet entered a plea to charges civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding, disorderly conduct in a restricted building, demonstrating in a Capitol building, and other counts.




According to VICE, in successfully seeking Angeli's detention until trial, prosecutors alleged that he wrote a threatening note to former Vice President Mike Pence and left it on the dais, which read: "It's only a matter of time, justice is coming." Prosecutors also said that Angeli "demonstrates scattered and fanciful thoughts, and is unable to appreciate reality." Meanwhile, Angeli — who reportedly refused to eat non-organic food while in custody — is not the only person facing federal charges stemming from the riot who has blamed Trump for their actions in recent weeks.




An attorney for 20-year-old Emanuel Jackson, who was charged with five counts including assaulting law enforcement after participating in the riot, made a case for their client by citing the articles of impeachment brought against Trump. They argued in a recent court filing that "the nature and circumstances of this offense must be viewed through the lens of an event inspired by the President of the United States." Garret Miller — a rioter who was additionally charged with making threats to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a Capitol police officer in posts online — also released a statement last week through his attorney in which he apologized for his conduct and pinned the blame on Trump.




"While I never intended to harm Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez nor harm any members of the Capitol police force, I recognize that my social media posts were completely inappropriate," the 34-year-old Miller said in a statement. "They were made at a time when Donald Trump had me believing that an American election was stolen." 

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