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QAnon-obsessed Dad kills his kids with spear gun because he thought they had 'serpent DNA', per the FBI

Matthew Taylor Coleman, 40, believed his wife had 'serpent DNA' and passed it on to his two children.

QAnon-obsessed Dad kills his kids with spear gun because he thought they had 'serpent DNA', per the FBI
Image source: Instagram/matthewtaylorcoleman

A man from California killed his two children after believing a QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theory that they had "serpent DNA" and would "grow into monsters." Matthew Taylor Coleman, a 40-year-old surfing instructor, took his 2-year-old son and a 10-month-old daughter to Mexico where he killed them. He allegedly used a spearfishing gun to kill his children. When asked why he killed his children, Coleman reportedly told an FBI investigator that he believed he was saving the world as they would grow up to be monsters, according to a criminal complaint filed. The man was heavily influenced by  'QAnon and Illuminati' conspiracy theories.



He was charged with foreign murder of US nationals after allegedly taking his children into Mexico and killing them, according to an affidavit filed as part of a federal criminal complaint and a statement from the US Attorney's Office for the Central District of California, reported CNN. According to the affidavit, Coleman, who hails from Santa Barbara, allegedly told investigators that he killed his kids using a spearfishing gun, before hiding their bodies. Coleman believed that his wife was possessed with serpent DNA and claimed to have had visions of her passing it onto his children," stated the affidavit. Coleman reportedly told investigators that he had been "enlightened by QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories."


The Mexican police found the bodies of the children on Monday. Coleman was detained at the border, before being transported to a local jail by authorities. Coleman's wife was the first one to suspect something was amiss when he drove away with the children, refused to tell her where they were going, and wasn't responding to calls or texts. She reportedly told the cops that she didn't suspect the kids to be in danger but asked for the cops to speak with Coleman.



The next day she used the 'Find My Phone' application on her laptop and found that Coleman's phone had last been tracked in Rosarito, Mexico, along the US-Mexico border. She informed the cops of the same who alerted the federal agencies to keep an eye on Coleman's return. Coleman reached the border by one, where he was stopped by federal agencies and he was the only one in the car, stated the affidavit. Mexican law enforcement was informed that two kids were missing and it matched the description of the two kids that were found dead that morning. On being interviewed by the FBI, he confessed to the crime and said he killed them because they had 'serpent DNA.'



Coleman appeared to have gone down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole pretty fast, with him calling his two kids "my treasures" as late as three months ago. His Instagram images portray a happy family with pictures of his kids and wife at the beach. His last post on Instagram came three weeks back. He posted a video of him teaching his 2-year-old son to surf, captioning the video: "Baby steps." He also ran a surfing company along with his wife — Love water. He spent a decade teaching high school and coaching a surf team. He also worked at a nonprofit where he used surfing to mentor kids. 


When asked about the killings, he said "he knew it was wrong, but it was the only course of action that would save the world." Serpent DNA could possibly be a reference to an 'Illuminati conspiracy theory' that a secret society of reptilian humanoids, with 'serpent DNA,' control the world. QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory that falsely claims that former President Donald Trump is trying to fight a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who are predominantly Democratic politicians and liberal celebrities.

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