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Psychotherapist's revelation on an empath's need for love and care is eye opening

Psychotherapist Helen Villiers says that while being an empath seems great on the surface, it comes with its own battles to fight

Psychotherapist's revelation on an empath's need for love and care is eye opening
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@liberationhelen

Empaths possess the unique ability to absorb the emotions and experiences of others, effectively stepping into their shoes. This skill is often seen as a badge of honor, a testament to elevated emotional intelligence. However, being an empath despite seemingly being a virtuous trait can be an inconvenience for those who identify as one. Helen Villiers, a psychotherapist, unveiled a critical perspective on the notion of empathy, prompting reflection on the responsibilities and consequences that accompany it.

Image Source: TikTok/@liberationhelen
Image Source: TikTok/@liberationhelen

Villiers raises a fundamental question that cuts to the core of the empathic role: Who bestowed upon empaths the responsibility for the emotional well-being of others? She questions the basis for assuming this guardianship of familial safety, revealing an underlying concern. Despite initial perceptions, Villiers underscores the potential negative implications that labeling someone as an empath can entail.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Pixabay

The first thing she mentioned was the burden of predicting others' emotions. Empaths develop a keen ability to detect signs of distress and turmoil in others from an early age. These sensitive individuals master the art of managing external negativity through controlled behavior, often in response to the whims of their families. This emotional tightrope walk transforms their lives into a constant navigation of the emotional landscapes of others.

She stated that empaths often show heightened vigilance and awareness. Driven by the duty to ensure others' comfort, empaths cultivate hyper-awareness. They remain attuned to shifts in attitudes, body language, vocal tone and actions, ready to intervene at the slightest hint of emotional discord. This perpetual state of alertness transforms the empath's experience into a vigilant surveillance of their surroundings.

She further spoke about the shackles of hypervigilance. A sense of safety becomes synonymous with hypervigilance for empaths. The belief that their well-being is intrinsically tied to the emotional stability of those around them is deeply ingrained. They internalize the responsibility for the negative emotions experienced by others, creating an unsustainable cycle where their emotional equilibrium hinges on the well-being of others.

Image Source: TikTok/@liberationhelen
Image Source: TikTok/@liberationhelen


Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

Villiers' perspective offers a powerful revelation, challenging conventional wisdom about empathy and its ramifications. This insight particularly resonates with individuals who identify as empaths, leading them to question the narrative they've embraced. The concept of being an empath, once worn proudly as a symbol of aiding others, can unveil an unexpected layer of burden that demands attention. The portrayal of empaths as eternal pillars of emotional support is a misconception that can take a toll on these individuals. Friends and family often neglect to check on them, presuming they possess an inexhaustible reserve of emotional strength.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Liza Summer
Representative Image Source: Pexels/Liza Summer

Expecting one person to single-handedly bear the emotional weight of an entire network is an undue burden. Villiers' insight serves as a reminder to extend empathy to empaths, recognizing their need for care and support, for they too deserve respite and emotional replenishment. The image of an empath as a benevolent emotional superhero is not without its shadows. The gift of absorbing others' emotions, while noble, can manifest as a demanding and arduous role. 

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Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

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