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Professional female golfer gets mansplained on 'how to swing' and the internet is absolutely losing it

A PGA professional was practicing at a driving range when a stranger not only mansplained how to swing but also, repeatedly cut her off.

Professional female golfer gets mansplained on 'how to swing' and the internet is absolutely losing it
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @georgiagolfcoach

The best kind of response to mansplaining is to just sit back with the knowledge of how foolish and outright oversmart the other person can be. No arguments, no ridicule, just sitting with self-control and the plain wisdom of someone’s absurdity. A PGA golfing coach named Georgia Ball–who goes by @georgiagolfcoach on TikTok–did just the same when she encountered a nerve-wracking smarty who thought he was a pro at golf. The coach shared a video of the experience, where she was transitioning between swings and practicing when a presumptuous man began mansplaining to her about golfing. 

Image Source: TikTok|@georgiagolfcoach
Image Source: TikTok|@georgiagolfcoach

“Excuse me, what you’re doing there you shouldn’t be doing that,” the man said. “Swing and follow-through, you’re doing too slow on the way up,” the man added. “I'm going through a swing change at the minute,” Ball explained politely. Before she could add anything more, the man abruptly cut her off and pressed on what he was saying. “No, I know, but what you’re doing is coming back too slow. I’ve been playing golf for 20 years, what you need to do is follow through a lot quicker than what you’re doing now,” the man insisted. She tried to stay calm and just decided to explain one more time. 

Image Source: TikTok|@georgiagolfcoach
Image Source: TikTok|@georgiagolfcoach

“Yeah, so, I’m going through a swing change at the minute. So, I’m trying to make everything…” Ball was explaining, but the man recklessly cut her off again and said, “Just hit, just hit for a second.” Ball agreed reluctantly and hit a shot, that too a brilliant one, thanks to her professional skills. However, the pretentious man believed his “advice” was what helped her. “See how good that was?” he said. “Yeah, thank you,” the coach replied, trying her hand at explaining one last time to the inside arrogant man. “I’m going through a swing change at the minute so, um, everything is slow.”

Image Source: TikTok|@georgiagolfcoach
Image Source: TikTok|@georgiagolfcoach

While elaborating further, she said, “I don’t know whether you watch or see golf, but the best players in the world, when they’re going through a practice swing or change…” The overconfident man cut her off again. “I know what you’re saying, but I’ve been playing golf for 20 years you need to follow through and see how much better that one was,” the man kept repeating. She simply complied and agreed so the man would get back to his own business. She decided not to entertain his arrogance and big-headed attitude anymore and continued with her practice, keeping her composure. People couldn't believe their eyes after watching the encounter, knowing Ball’s exceptional talent and skills.

Image Source: TikTok|@haileybookholdt
Image Source: TikTok|@haileybookholdt
Image Source: TikTok|@saralane_
Image Source: TikTok|@saralane_

Many lauded the way Ball handled the whole situation. @globeeeeeeee said, “Did he not realize? Because I was unsolicited mansplaining at the gym and I checked myself and never did it again.” @soloadventureswithrachel said, “I’ve been driving for 25 years, but I’m not about to give Lewis Hamilton driving advice.” @runnyper said, “The way you had to repeat yourself three times and he cut you off every single time.” People were also getting a good laugh at how the man boasted that he’d played for 20 years and still couldn’t understand her skills. @nhhooty1 joked and said, “How long has he been playing for? Not sure he mentioned it.”

You can follow Georgia Ball (@georgiagolfcoach) on TikTok for more content on golfing. You can also follow her on Instagram.

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