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Powerful video of mom calming angry 5-year-old kid by repeatedly telling him 'I love you'

Destiny Bennett didn't realize the door camera had caught the interaction with her 5-year-old son.

Powerful video of mom calming angry 5-year-old kid by repeatedly telling him 'I love you'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @thebennettgang

Anyone who’s witnessed a child overwhelmed with anger knows how challenging it can be to help them calm down. A viral video of a mother using love and patience to soothe her frustrated son is touching hearts across the internet. Destiny Bennett, a mom of three from Las Vegas, Nevada, was walking outside with her 5-year-old son, Cash, who was visibly shaking with rage. Instead of scolding him, she gently reassured him of her love—and little by little, he began to calm down. What Bennett didn’t realize at the time was that their doorbell camera had captured the entire heartfelt exchange.


Bennett shared that Cash struggles with managing his anger and often bottles up his emotions, which only makes his frustration grow. Speaking to Bored Panda, she explained that on this particular day, he was upset because his brother had claimed a ‘special’ LEGO he wanted. His anger had been building for over 30 minutes, and none of her usual techniques were helping. “I suggested we take a walk to help him reset. On our way out the door, he threw a toy on the floor and slammed the door, which immediately frustrated me. This is what led to the moment seen on the video,” she recalled. Her approach, centered on patience and understanding, highlighted the power of positive parenting in helping children navigate big emotions.


There's nothing quite as disarming as love and Cash couldn't just hold onto all that rage after his mother told what he meant to her. “I love you very much. Do you know how much I love you? You don’t know how much? I love you more than this much. [extends arms],” Bennett can be heard saying in the viral video. “I can see how angry you are. And I want you to feel better. I want you to love you enough to see how angry you are and want to feel better. Okay?”


She goes on to explain that not everything goes our way but doesn't at any point discount or invalidate his feelings. “Sometimes feeling better is getting the things that we want, but sometimes we can’t get the things we want. And it’s okay to be angry. But then we have to be able to let it go and understand that we’re not going to get it and we have to find another way to make our body feel better. I need you to love you. Okay? I love you," she says before they share a hug. "Let’s have a good day today, okay?”


She posted the video on TikTok where it viral, garnering over 4.4 million views and 1 million likes. “We have talks all the time. I think that the fact that we have strong communication is what made this moment normal and comprehensible to him even in that moment,” explained Bennett. “I have been affirming to my kids how much I love them and how amazing and capable they are since they were babies.” Bennett also added that she makes it a point to tell Cash she loves him every night before he goes to sleep.

She explained on Instagram that there's no right way of handling a situation like that. "Every technique doesn’t always work and I don’t always know the right thing to say. Sometimes I have to use every fiber of my being just to stay calm and quiet my inner trauma," she wrote. "Sometimes I’m on the verge of crying myself because I don’t have all the answers. And In those moments all I can do is put all of my effort into connecting with my child I’m that moment and making sure they feel my love. This was one of those moments. People just couldn't enough of the video and many wished their parents had done this with them when they were younger.

You can watch the powerful video here:



This article originally appeared 3 years ago.

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