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Pizza joint slams anti-vaxxers harassing their employees: 'We believe in science'

The Seattle restaurant told anti-vaxxers spewing hatred in no uncertain terms that they weren't welcome.

Pizza joint slams anti-vaxxers harassing their employees: 'We believe in science'
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A restaurant in Seattle is taking a stand and backing its employees after anti-vaxxers targeted and harrassed them and the business. Windy City Pie pulled no punches as it called out anti-vaxxers targeting their business after the restaurant made the decision to not allow unvaccinated people inside its building. "We believe in science. COVID-19 is real. Vaccines work and save lives," the Chicago-style pizza restaurant wrote in a post responding to the vitriol, reported Comicsands. Windy City Pie allows unvaccinated customers to enjoy its pizza in its outdoor seating areas but that wasn't enough for anti-vaxxers who cried foul and claimed to be oppressed by the decision. 



The anti-vaxxers started doxxing and targeting employees and the business after Windy City Pie made the announcement on their website that it had re-opened indoor dining but only to vaccinated customers. Anti-vaxxers were particularly annoyed as the restaurant made a joke of their stance during a pandemic that has killed more than five million people worldwide. “If you are voluntarily not vaccinated, please eat nowhere,” reads the notice on their website, with the word 'elsewhere' crossed out just before 'nowhere.' Anti-vaxxers accused the restaurant of discrimination or some kind of death-by-starvation threat and started targeting their business, leaving bad reviews and raising false complaints including poor service.


Windy City Pie responded to the backlash and doubled down on their stance. “Let us make our position abundantly clear: We believe in the social contract,” they wrote on Facebook. “We believe in science. We believe in creating a safe work environment for our hardworking employees. And we believe in protecting the safety of our customers.” The restaurant also made it clear, they were perturbed by the hate and told the anti-vaxxers to take their business elsewhere where they were welcome. “Kindly go and shill your disinformation elsewhere. And if you’re going to threaten to not do business with us, to you we say: Thank you. We don’t want to do business with you, either,” wrote Windy City Pie.



The company also called out the group of people, stating that the least they could do was protect the community from the deadly virus. "To us, getting vaccinated to protect our community — including the most vulnerable among us — is an act of love, as is cooking the pizza we care deeply about. We believe our interactions with our neighborhood and community should be ones of mutual respect or not happen at all," they wrote.

Doctor wearing protective workwear and injecting vaccine into the arm of a patient/Getty Images


The restaurant also called out their hypocrisy. "The people who yelled at us for nearly two years about the 'plandemic' while we did everything we could to keep our staff safe and employed are the same people who were rude to us when we allowed unvaccinated people to dine outside but not indoors, are the same people who have taken issue with our mask policy, and are the same people now telling us to die of COVID, writing fake reviews, and attempting to doxx us," they wrote, before adding that the policies were effective and helped protect the staff and guests. "Bye, Felicia."


The reactions to the post were overwhelmingly positive, with many lauding the restaurant for taking a stance against anti-vaxxers. "I may not live in Seattle, but I congratulate you on your stance, on what you are trying to do, and you get my full support from halfway across the world. Kudos to you, keep making awesome pie for Seattlers!" wrote Stefan. Another person added, "I support you, your stance, and what you wrote should be a template for other establishments to follow. As a former nurse and present business owner in Seattle, I believe in science and kindness; not to mention the ever-vanishing, no longer so common, common sense, and you folk exemplify that in spades." There was also the odd negative comment as well. Kim wrote, "And you clearly believe in discrimination and segregation. That has happened in this country before and in other countries as well. History frowns upon it." History also tells you that the Spanish flu also happened. 

Disclaimer: Information about the pandemic is swiftly changing, and Upworthy is committed to providing the most recent and verified updates in our articles and reportage. However, considering the frequency in developments, some of the information/data in this article may have changed since the time of publication. Therefore, we encourage you to also regularly check online resources from local public health departments, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization.

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