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This photoshop artist trolls people by taking picture requests very literally and it's hilarious

Digital artist James Fridman's has been editing photos for years and his timeline is filled with humorous takes on requests from fans.

This photoshop artist trolls people by taking picture requests very literally and it's hilarious
Image source: Instagram/fjamie013

British digital artist James Fridman has been fixing photos for ages and he's flooded with requests. In this world obsessed with pictures, we're all searching for that perfect photo. A master at photoshop, Fridman is often asked to make tweaks to photographs to make them perfect, like removing a photobomber, making a person taller or removing the background, and so on. Fridman fixes photos as per the requests but he always adds his own humorous interpretation of the instruction that's made him something of a mini-celeb on Twitter and Instagram. Fridman has been at it for years and every once in a while you can cheer yourself up by just scrolling through his timeline that's littered with hilarious edits. He has more than 1.9 million followers on Twitter and 2.2 million on Instagram. 



In one particular photo, a girl requests he shorten the length of his feet and he responds by elongating her feet. In another photo, a girl asks him to turn her boyfriend into a boxer, but instead of photoshopping a pair of boxing gloves on him, she turns into a boxer dog. The only request he doesn't take is when someone asks them to manipulate their image to fit the 'beauty perception' of the society. He reminds them that they are just as beautiful as anyone else and it's always those posts that garner the best reactions.     



In one instance, a girl with Muscular Dystrophy asked Fridman to “straighten [her] arms” to make her look “normal.” Fridman refused to alter the image and responded, “Acceptance of your true self can be a constant battle. The term ‘normal’ is a propaganda technique used by modern society to make us conform to a pre-existing standard,” wrote Fridman, reported MyModernMet. “If people can't look past your physical condition, they are most likely not worth your attention. A pretty young girl with a genuine smile and beautiful hair is all I see in this picture.”



When Fridman isn't photoshopping, he runs a foundation that helps support children and young people affected by social issues. 


















He is also publishing a new book titled: The Joy of Photoshop: When You Ask The Wrong Guy For Help.

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