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Person questions why technology is never used to make workers' lives easy and it's a fair point

Scarcity of resources and need to work 60 hours of week is created by those in power hoarding wealth, suspect people.

Person questions why technology is never used to make workers' lives easy and it's a fair point
BERLIN, GERMANY - NOVEMBER 21: A young woman works on a laptop computer in a work space of the Factory Berlin Kreuzberg location during a visit by German State Secretary for Digitalization Dorothee Bär on November 21, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Se

AI is everywhere and it feels like advanced technology is now set to take our jobs. However, what most people forget is that technology was championed not to threaten us but to make our lives easier in a way that will help us lead easier lives and devote more to personal needs. Technology and AI are instead being used by corporations to reap profits but not to make the lives of people easier argued a person on Twitter. Corporations with power who hoard wealth are the ones who create a dearth so the workforce is controlled by them. This point was made well by u/No_Emphasis_2011 when they shared a post on Reddit that received 58 thousand upvotes and should have received more. The caption said, "Let's spread this as much as we can." Are we going to keep living the 'something is better than nothing' mindset? Are we working smart or mindlessly working hard? 

NEW YORK - APRIL 12: People looking for employment attend an AARP job fair with an emphasis on individuals 50 years old and over on April 12, 2010 in New York City. The job fair featured employer booths and seminars on resume writing and the development of computer skills. Despite the Dow Jones Industrial Average surpassing 11,000 today for the first time since September 2008, the nation's economy is still struggling as unemployment is hovering near 10 percent. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
NEW YORK - APRIL 12: People looking for employment attend an AARP job fair with an emphasis on individuals 50 years old and over on April 12, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)


What seems to be a post initially shared by @babadookspinoza, questions validly, "Why in the age of supercomputers and smart robotics do we need to work 60 hours a week so that we don't starve and freeze to death? Surely we've reached the point where any scarcity left is intentionally created by those hoarding all the wealth. How is this not the standard view?" People on Reddit, couldn't agree more. Some people also shared how working with AI hasn't influenced their working hours. "The dream was, AI will be created and do all the dirty work, so people can turn to science and arts. It turns out the AI is doing science and art and humans are doing the dirty jobs," wrote u/ThisIsDurian. "I remember marking a punch card to spell my name in computer class. The teacher said someday computers will run the world. We will read poetry, read, act in plays, and take art classes to fill our time like modern Romans. A week later I got a printout from the computer with my name on it. She was wrong, greed has no bounds," commented u/Sassy_Six-Four.



Image Source: Reddit | u/JavaElemental
Image Source: Reddit | u/JavaElemental


"Mate in America people are rationing insulin. A government's entire job is to make a country the best place to live for all people and instead, health care is about fleecing everyone for billionaires' gain," expressed u/fmb320. "I've automated software for 20+ years. The fact that the "standard" work week remains 40 hours is a slap in my stupid face, and I'm shocked younger generations haven't had a few general strikes by now," added u/gizamo. "I do heavy industrial process automation. A standard work week for me is 80+ hours. But, that's balanced by having weeks at a time off. For me, the biggest slap is that flexible hours aren't standard for everyone. Why does it matter to anyone when the work gets done, as long as it gets done?" questions u/I_Automate



Representational Image Source: Pexels | Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA production
Representational Image Source: Pexels | Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA production


Why do people still adhere to these working hours? One reason is to afford necessities and the second is the fear of AI taking over their jobs. Hence, the pressure to be better than a 'bot adds up. Goldman Sachs published a report in March estimating that AI could replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs. According to PwC's annual global workforce survey last year, nearly a third of respondents were concerned about their role being replaced by technology in three years, reports BBC. Although with the coming of error-less AI humans, could be taking more breaks, ironically, technology enables us to work around the clock with virtually no boundaries, but it has begun to take a severe mental toll on employees contributing to nothing but capitalism for the wealth greedy. AI was supposed to take over our tasks, not our jobs. 

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