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Person explains why they are moving to remote Alaskan cabin and leaving behind the city life hustle

Most of us might joke about ditching the fast-paced city life to live in solitary peace in the middle of wilderness but this Reddit user is turning it into a reality.

Person explains why they are moving to remote Alaskan cabin and leaving behind the city life hustle
Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Melike Sayar | (R) Reddit | u/GoingOffTheGrid69

When we think about Alaska, all we can picture is beautiful snow-capped mountains and a scenery that is worthy of getting framed. Many adventure seekers and travelers who have visited similar locations might have harbored a desire to set up a small cabin in the middle of nature and live peacefully. But a Reddit user called u/GoingOffTheGrid69 has decided to live the dreams of millions.

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Adriaan Greyling
Representational Image Source: Pexels | Adriaan Greyling

Leaving behind the hustle and bustle of city life, this person has found their calling and has made up their mind to disconnect from society and live remotely in an Alaskan cabin. The person shared their story with the r/confessions community which swiftly went viral and inarguably made a lot of netizens jealous as well. The person confessed that they had spent the last eight years of their life constructing this cabin in the Alaskan wilderness on a 50-acre property.

"I'm flying there tomorrow with no intention of returning to society. I bought the land years ago and built a good cabin out there and I've been filling it with resources and supplies I'd need to have a nice life. I've honestly never liked post-modern industrial society and this project of the last eight years is more or less my retirement plan but I fell into some extra money so I decided to step up the plan," the post reads.

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Tobias Bjørkli
Representational Image Source: Pexels | Tobias Bjørkli

The person also mentions how they have set everything up over the years and sold their previous home and the belongings that they are not shifting to the Alaskan cabin. If anyone's wondering how a person can survive without essentials like food and the internet, then this Reddit user has an answer for them too. "The nearest town to my cabin is about 80 miles and I'll go there probably once every few months if I need supplies. Honestly, I'm so excited I can barely sleep. I really don't fit in with society and never have. I'd rather be free and isolated even if it's less safe," the person adds.

Image Source: Reddit | u/khalnaldo
Image Source: Reddit | u/khalnaldo

The passionate remote dweller describes the place they are shifting to as "beautiful and breathtaking." But people around them haven't been onboard with their plans when they shared their intention to move into an isolated cabin. "They say things like: 'What if something happens and you die?' Do you mean die in the beautiful untamed wilderness of Alaska? There's no place I'd rather die honestly," the Reddit user continues.

They conclude the post by sharing how they have been journaling about their time there, especially when they don't have access to the internet. "The times I've been out there on vacations have been the best times of my life. I'm not leaving my home behind, I'm finally going home," the post concluded. The Reddit community couldn't hold back from admiring this person's courage to finally live out their dream which others mostly joke about.

Image Source: Reddit | u/bakedapps
Image Source: Reddit | u/bakedapps

u/Anon_457 wrote: "Wow, that's a brave decision to make but if you feel that that's the best life for you, then good for you on making it happen!" u/Outrageous-Yak-3318 shared: "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." u/MasterRelic added: "Wow this has been a dream of mine too, man. Also Alaska, just a cabin wifi and a gang of dogs."

Image Source: Reddit | u/chaos_battery
Image Source: Reddit | u/chaos_battery

Just like this Reddit user, the social media scene is also full of content creators who have chosen to live an off-beat and slow-paced lifestyle amid nature. One of the most well-recognized faces in this community is Jonna Jinton from Sweden who ditched her city life and moved closer to nature at the age of 21. Her contribution to promoting Nordic culture has earned her an award from the King of Sweden as well, per her YouTube channel. The now 34-year-old Jinton along with her husband and pet now reside at a scenic mountainside village in the country where she sings, manufactures jewelry, paints and works as a photographer.  


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