Most supermarket trips are necessitated by the need for essentials. Supermarkets keep them apart so you spend more time at the store.
If you're a regular at the supermarket, you should know by now that you always buy more things and spend more money than you intended to. That is no way an accident, but rather by design. If you were to make a list prior to your supermarket visit and you stick to the list, you'll realize how much you save. Content creator and entrepreneur Max Klymenko posted a series of videos explaining how supermarkets tap into your psychology to encourage you to spend more. Klymenko explains that the marketing tactics range from product placement based on the customer it's catering to, to the lighting in the store and even rearranging contents.
So if you're someone who wants to cut down on your spending at the supermarket, check out these explanations from Klymenko. It'll change your shopping experience forever:
It's no mistake that you always find fruits and vegetables at the entrance of supermarkets. The bright colors make you happy as you start to navigate the supermarket.
The trolleys at supermarkets are huge simply because they want you to keep filling them with products. When there's so much space, you always feel like you haven't shopped enough.
Every supermarket trip is almost always necessitated by the need for essentials. If they kept the essentials together, you'd be in and out in 10 minutes. They want you to spend as much time as possible at the store and for the same reason, they keep essentials far away from each other as possible.
While many may feel the self-checkout if quicker, it actually is slower but you don't feel that way because you are not passive as would be in the case of a customer using a human checkout.
Supermarkets want you to not feel the passage of time when you're in the store and what better way to do it than cut out natural light. This encourages you to spend more time at the store and thus spend more.
Milk and eggs are on every customer's list, so they intentionally keep them at two ends of the store, so you are forced to navigate the whole store.
Have you ever gone to the supermarket and realized they change the layout every now and then. Well, they do it so you lose familiarity of where to find your regular items and spend more time at the store.
While some store managers argued this wasn't true, Klymenko said brands encouraged customers to touch their products and thus increasing the chances of you buying the product by 30%.
There are two types of discounts commonly found in stores. The first one is a perceived discount, where they increase the price of a product before adding a discount to give you the illusion of a discount. In the second case, products are priced in such a way that the smaller a price sounds, in terms of syllables, the cheaper it feels.
Always check your receipt and tally up your total.
Most stores have temporary employees fill in after 5 pm and they will not be able to help you as much as a regular employee.
For most edible items that come in various sizes, there is a huge disparity in quantity of the middle and top items while the pricing is only marginally higher in the case of the larger item. The middle item exists merely to nudge you towards buying the bigger item while giving you the impression of making a bargain on the larger item.