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People unite to support woman who sent her fiance’s nephew home for disrespecting her in her house

A mother to three took in her fiance’s nephew, only to be disrespected by him. The internet supports her decision to stand up for herself.

People unite to support woman who sent her fiance’s nephew home for disrespecting her in her house
Representative Cover Image Source: (L)Pexels| Andrea Piacquadio; (R) Reddit| u/blankslatetofate

Disrespect and ingratitude can really pull on the heart’s strings and make one feel blue. When you give and do things for others out of your way, there comes a string of expectations that you may have. However, when those expectations aren’t met, we back off from providing as well, but that comes with doubt and a hint of guilt for choosing yourself over others. u/blankslatetofate went through something similar and turned to the internet for validation of her situation with her nephew and fiance. The woman began her Reddit post with the background of “issues” in her personal life. She wrote that she and her fiance had been dealing with issues in their relationship for months. She said, “Me and my fiancé have been having a set of our own issues for months. We have three children (9, 5, 2). Recently, his mom who helps take care of his nephew (12), has been just dropping him off at our house without calling or permission.”

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Alex Green
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Alex Green

She further narrated that she had been “letting it go” but there was a time when the nephew “stayed for a week straight during fall break.” She said that she had to ultimately send him back to his house because the school break had ended. She also mentioned that she had been making great efforts towards his welfare by taking him “Halloween trick or treating” and when she found out that there was no food, water, clothes or electricity at his place, she took him back to her house and “set a plan to take him to school the following week,” rescheduling her work around it because her “fiance couldn’t.” She added that she took the nephew shopping and got him all kinds of new things like clothes, underwear, shoes, socks and more, while her fiance was of no help at all. She also said that the nephew would not stop playing on the PS5, didn’t shower and refused to listen to her.

She further explained, “He also refused to go to school for me; he even missed two days because he refused. It stressed me out. My fiancé was no help. Didn’t enforce anything and never asked if I needed any help. I had to do it all by myself on top of work and my own children."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anastasia Shuraeva
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anastasia Shuraeva

Things got serious and heated when one day everyone got ready for church with her fiance “watching football” and having a “bad attitude” in the car. She described, “We go to the gas station, where he keeps making slick remarks. I finally snap back. I’m overwhelmed. I’m dealing with all this and he has done little to nothing with me. He got out of the car and started walking down the highway. I, of course, pull up to him and tell him to get in the vehicle. His nephew starts trying to get out of the car to 'walk with him.' I tell him no, that’s not safe, just please stop.” She further added that her fiance got “livid” and called her a “b***h” to which “his nephew immediately chimed in, saying, ‘Oh yeah, I definitely agree'.” She asked him to “stay out of it.” Later, her daughter shared that she doesn’t want the nephew staying over because he told the father that he didn’t like his aunt because she’s always “stuck up” and “he can’t stand her.”

Image Source: Reddit | u/MNConcerto
Image Source: Reddit | u/MNConcerto


Image Source: Reddit | u/wlfwrtr
Image Source: Reddit | u/wlfwrtr

What transpired next was a series of events where she “lost her s**t” and called the grandmother to let her know that she could not do this anymore. “I won’t be disrespected like this in my home by anyone,” she concluded. The comments section rushed to her defense and let her know that she wasn’t in the wrong at all for choosing to stand up for herself. u/leftytrash161 said, “Send your fiance back to his mummy as well until he learns to stop being a useless drain on your household.” Some users also suggested that she should get a lawyer and ask for child support. u/Electronic_Fox_6383 suggested, “Sorry sis, but I'd be dropping the fiancé off as well. You have a much bigger problem on your hands than a rude nephew and I expect you know that already. Please prioritize your and your children's well-being and don't let anyone interfere with that. Anyone.” The internet definitely sided with the woman and encouraged her to not feel bad about herself and what she did because she deserves better. 

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