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People swear by this ingenious 30-minute 'coffee nap' hack that leaves the napper rejuvenated

Oftentimes, waking up from a quick nap in the middle of the day might make us feel more tired but this hack can supposedly power us up.

People swear by this ingenious 30-minute 'coffee nap' hack that leaves the napper rejuvenated
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Miriam Alonso; Reddit | u/rashconfidant

One of the most challenging aspects of adult life is not getting enough sleep. As children, we might have enjoyed afternoon naps and taken sleep for granted. Now, as working adults, nap times feel like a myth. Even when we do nap, stress often prevents us from feeling refreshed. However, the internet recently found a solution. Reddit user u/rashconfidant shared the "coffee nap" hack, which many users have successfully tried and endorsed.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Chevanon Photography
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Chevanon Photography

In a platform where people often share life hacks, the individual's post about this "coffee nap" hack fits right in. "I saw this while browsing the net. They call it 'the coffee nap' and it really works with me. If you are tired, drink a cup of coffee and lie down for a 15-30 minute nap. After your nap, you will be recharged and be more energetic," they explained. While one may think that the caffeine in the coffee would never make us drowsy, hundreds of comments confirmed the credibility of this hack. Some even shared their amusing names for this hack, while others explained how it worked.

"It’s called a nap-a-ccino," quipped u/woodyallen801. When u/thekingestkong doubtfully asked, "Yeah, ok, but how does one nap?" u/RoDamnit explained, "Lay down and be still. Do this as regularly as a routine and your body will adapt to it. Put a podcast or audiobook on and slow the playback speed to half. It really did kill that post-lunch slump for me. I looked forward to my routine every day." However, u/chagelingusername warned, "The tricky part is sleeping only 15-30. If you go past that timespan, you're messed up."

Image Source: Reddit | u/aucatetby
Image Source: Reddit | u/aucatetby
Image Source: Reddit | u/The_Pancake88
Image Source: Reddit | u/The_Pancake88
Image Source: Reddit | u/tacitsquid
Image Source: Reddit | u/tacitsquid

This nap hack has worked so well for many that they have now made it a routine. "This is one of my favorite 'hacks.' To add to it, I also brush my teeth and if possible, take a quick ride or wash my feet. Random, I know, but either or on top of the nap and coffee feels like resetting the day," said u/run_up_rabbit. "As a shift worker, my organization had a sleep doctor come in and do presentations. This is precisely what he said to do," chimed in u/sportrocketsurgeon. "It actually works. First, the nap can help clear out adenosine, a chemical that makes you feel sleepy. Second, the caffeine may then block any remaining adenosine to help you feel more alert," pointed out u/StarsForSale.

Speaking of witty "nap hacks," a tired dad came up with a brilliant nap hack that lets him sleep while taking care of kids. Monica Weber, a mom of four, shared on Facebook a picture of her husband's smart trick that worked out well. When she left the kids behind at home to run an errand, her husband who just returned from work assured her he would take care of them. Weber came back and saw her husband peacefully napping on the couch while the kids were trying to draw his image. "I'm pretty sure he's the most brilliant man I've ever known. He has them doing 'realism art,' while he 'poses,' AKA naps," Weber said. The kid who draws the most realistic picture would be the winner, but as per the mom, the dad won big time.


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