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People share wholesome messages they would give to their 5 years younger selves if they get a chance

People share what they would tell their past selves if they get an opportunity to hop on a 30-second call with them.

People share wholesome messages they would give to their 5 years younger selves if they get a chance
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Anastasia Shuraeva

A note to self.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anete Lusina
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anete Lusina

Regrets are a part and parcel of life. Therefore, so many people want to turn back time to rectify their mistakes or to relive certain moments again. While going through life, it is extremely difficult to figure out the right and wrong things. People can plan and assume based on the information they have, but the whole outcome of something only reveals itself when the future unfolds. Hence, many wish they could force their past selves to do something different. This emotion was evident when u/BlueeWaater asked, "If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?" Some kept it light, while others bravely shared their losses and mistakes. Here are some responses that will touch your hearts.

1. Be prepared. Crazy times ahead

Representative Image Source: Pexels |Anna Shvets
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets

Buy toilet paper. Don't ask, just buy toilet paper. - u/thrwawaythrwaway_now Buy as many houses as you can at 3% interest. Inflation is right around the corner. Covid isn't the end of it all, just a speed bump and it will affect everyone on the planet in some way, but eventually we'll come out of it, so don't be scared. - u/Ok-Somewhere-2219 In 2020, there will be a stock market crash, so buy as much of (insert names of companies) as you can. It'll set you up for life- u/ChuckDeBongo 

2. It will get better

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto

Hey, 18-year-old me, I know your Christmas was really hard and publicly humiliating. You didn't deserve that at all and I'm truly sorry our mum hurt you like that in front of everybody. But I can now say we're so close to escaping our narcissist mum's clutches. We are successfully saving the money we need now to leave for good in our new full-time job. We don't have to suffer in this pain anymore. It's okay and has never been our fault that she's never had the capacity to love us in the first place. It's been 23 years of abuse too long. We are free now. - u/banana_ji You're gonna hit a rough patch. It sucks, but it's gonna happen. You're gonna feel hopeless, like you have no future, but trust me, you do. It does get better. You will learn to love life again. Also, for the love of god, start saving money now. Bro, we're broke in the future. It's up to you to fix that. - u/nonexistantauthor 

3. Fight for the right diagnosis

Representative Image Source: Pexels | MART PRODUCTION
Representative Image Source: Pexels | MART PRODUCTION

'Dad's gonna get sick again. It's not lung cancer. Make them treat him for throat cancer.' Maybe he could see me get married next year. - u/H4desL0ver Save her before it's too late. Get her in to see a neurologist, cardiologist and hematologist ASAP. - u/PedesNex Mom has a slowly developing cancer that the doctor is going to ignore, but you can save her now. - u/upirons Go, get an ADHD diagnosis and a prescription for stimulants. Do it. Trust me. Life is so much better after that. u/CieloCobalto 

4. Spend more time with close ones

Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project

Kevin is going to die and it will break you. Quit your job and spend every available moment with him. - u/savemysoul72 Tell your dad you love him more often and to spend more time with him. - u/Otis_Firefly Spend more time with mom, she won't be here in a few years. - u/akasha876 'Remember, your father has dementia and is slowly deteriorating. Please be more patient with him. Oh and record more videos of him.' Oh and invest in Gamestop, you'll thank me later. - u/FriscoBay03Sixteen

5. Don't make the job your priority

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Nicola Barts
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Nicola Barts

It will be okay if you leave now. Never have loyalty to an employer. It's just a job. - u/Avocado-Pretty 'Cash out your company stock August '21 and hold on to that money cause they're gonna lay you off a year later.' - u/EkbyBjarnum

6. Get out of toxic relationship

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vera Arsic
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vera Arsic

Don't date that girl you're sleeping with. She's cheating on her boyfriend with you and she'll cheat on the next one with you too. It's a huge mistake. Save your money, quit the trade and go to school. You still have time. Stop lighting the money you make on fire because you've never had money before. Use it to create a life you actually want to live. - u/BatheInChampagne Go ahead and divorce the idiot. He is worse than you think he is and your life will be much better. - u/Dependent_Main2643 Write down every time your husband says no to reasonable things. Write down every time he withholds information. Write down every time you need money and he won’t let you have it. Write down every time he makes fun of you, especially to your kids or in public. Just write it down. (I filed for divorce less than a year after I started writing). - u/GlassCharacter179

7. Avoid a disaster

Representative Image Source: Pixabay | eu1
Representative Image Source: Pixabay | eu1

I wish I could do this. I'd love to tell my past self: 'Get a fire extinguisher and be ready to put out the fire on the morning of September 3rd, 2019. I know you want to sleep in, today's your first day back to school for grade 11 after being in psychiatric treatment. But you're going to end up back in the hospital anyway if you blame yourself for this fire. It was a random wiring issue, a freak accident, nothing we could've predicted or known about. If you're not ready, the fire department will take 40 minutes to arrive and you'll lose everything. YYou'll escape with just your pajamas, barefoot with no glasses, hauling the pets into the car as we watched our house burn down until everything was ash. And please make sure to grab Pinky. You've had that teddy bear since you were a newborn and I never saw him again.' Be right back, gonna cry now. I wish I grabbed my Pinky. - u/catl0vingnerd

8. Get therapy

Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio

'It's okay to get help. It's not a weakness. Get yourself a therapist no matter what they say.' Been through a lot and finally got myself a therapist to help me get through some things. Don't be afraid of getting help. It's okay. Sometimes, we need a little push to find the right path. - u/unforgivablenope Go to therapy already and open up completely. Don't be scared of people judging you. Be you and you'll be happier! - u/Novel-Rule-6697

9. Focus on the small things

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Oluremi Adebayo
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Oluremi Adebayo

You've got this, don't give up. Things are going to turn out just fine. By the way, I love your hair, so don't dye it anymore. Love ya bunches. - u/SpicyPumpkin80 Tell MawMaw that we love her. - u/bispecsual You've changed more lives for the good than you'll ever know. - u/Kukantiz Probably just do 30 seconds of heavy breathing. I think past me would find it funny. - u/Weak-Mountain-1957

10. Just skip on some experiences. Not worth it

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Brett Sayles
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Brett Sayles

'Don't get that tattoo!' - ended up spending 2 months in a hospital because my heart got infected because of an irresponsible tattoo artist. I underwent open heart surgery and almost died. - u/whatarewebadalee Don't start that business, don't try to buy that other one, don't join that band and especially don't try to do it all at once. Don't trust your boss, he's a two-faced piece of sh*t. If you don't listen, at least treat your wife better because she's better than you. - u/TheCaptainhat

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