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People share shocking stories of being mistreated at work after going through a miscarriage

A viral tweet has prompted numerous netizens to describe their horrible experiences at work after having a miscarriage.

People share shocking stories of being mistreated at work after going through a miscarriage
Cover Image Source: Twitter/mrs arthur morgan

A viral tweet about a retail employee's horrible experience at work after having a miscarriage has sparked an important conversation about businesses' lack of compassion toward employees who've experienced trauma. The tweet — posted by Twitter user @no_goblins last week — described a heartbreaking encounter she had with the employee ringing up her clothes at a clothing store. "Asked the girl ringing up my clothes about her day and she said she was struggling because she'd just had a miscarriage and they made her work in the baby section," they tweeted. Since being posted, the tweet has garnered over 16.5k retweets and nearly 300,000 likes and prompted numerous netizens to describe their own experiences on the subject.


Twitter user @Thoureauly shared how she had to work on Mother's Day, only about a week after she had a miscarriage, and ended up crying every time someone wished her a happy holiday. "I had a miscarriage and on my first day back from a week of sick leave they made me work Mother's Day. I was sobbing for 8 hours while ringing up lattes because people kept wishing me 'Happy Mother's Day if you're a mom'" she tweeted.


Another Twitter user claimed a manager demanded to see proof that she'd had a miscarriage. "One of the managers at target asked me for proof of my miscarriage so I quit, I'd rather be broke than work for a company that didn't give a sh*t about me," tweeted @RYRYW0RLD. @pcalderon222 shared a similar incident in a tweet that reads: "When I called out the day after having a miscarriage and my manager said 'okay... but you still can't call out with no notice' as I’m crying in bed." Meanwhile, another Twitter user revealed that her opposing counsel's downright inhumane response to her miscarriage.


"I had opposing counsel conferenced into my hospital room after my baby died when I was 7 months pregnant to let him know I needed to cancel a deposition scheduled later that afternoon… His response: 'it's not my problem you're a human coffin.' I still have nightmares," tweeted @positivelycarin. "The local and state bar in Florida was and is very aware of his behavior. He continued to act in appealing ways against me in public (ex: repeated physical shoving, book throwing at me, & caught in lies about cases & other counsel). He got an honor award from the inns of court."





"I haven't named him not because I'm worried about risking my career because I left the practice of law… it's because this attorney and his colleagues are still actively doing things to harm me and it's very frightening," she added. "I'm now in an ethical, supportive, & caring environment in a profession where my colleagues would never consider behaving this way or allowing anyone else to act this way. I actually still use all of my education, I am just no longer practicing law surrounded by the corrupt." Twitter user @MikeHicks98 pointed out that this horrifying lack of empathy at workplaces is actually a lot more common than we think.




"People don't realize how common this shit is, when I had a miscarriage, the [doctor] gave me a note for 3 days off and my bosses weren't happy that I took those days off, and one of my bosses actually said 'huh I wonder if you were ever really pregnant.' Some people just don't think," they tweeted

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