Looking for inspiration on how to ask someone to F off and leave you alone? Here are some brilliant options to choose from.
If I had a nickel for all the times I've wanted to tell someone to F off but couldn't due to politeness—or the pretense of politeness rather—I'd be swimming in my wealth like Scrooge McDuck. Unfortunately, instead of a pool full of coins, what I got was an overwhelming urge to kick the person before me and the annoying need to restraint myself. Anyone who has ever worked in customer service knows this feeling a bit too well and would probably be daydreaming of all the things they could've said to that pesty customer who just wouldn't understand why they couldn't return a stinky, holey pair of old underwear.
However, from constantly facing such situations comes an acquired talent for getting your true feelings across without saying the actual words. And in case you are looking for some inspiration this AskReddit thread where Redditor u/Chorbles510 asked: "What's the nicest way to tell someone to F off?" is absolute gold! Check out some of our favorites here: