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People share 15 'boomer complaints' that every person can relate to regardless of their age

The newer generations don't necessarily like all the changes that technology has brought about. This X thread is a solid proof of that.

People share 15 'boomer complaints' that every person can relate to regardless of their age
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio; X | @FvreignLL

Being in love with all new technology and understanding the ever-evolving world is generally considered a GenZ or millennial thing while complaining about change is typically believed to be something boomers excel at. However, not every change is pleasant. So when Lori Harvey—who goes by @FvreignLL on X—posted, "What’s the most boomer complaint you have?" many people took to the comments section to point out boomer complaints that they can relate to and consider totally valid. There are certain norms in the new world that make people want to go back in time. The type of music, availability of physical books and media, and so much more evoke a sense of nostalgia in the younger generations as well. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

Many people also want the speed of the content to slow down or read at their own pace. Others might want wider access to knowledge than just a simple Google search that leaves people wanting more. Maybe there is an in-between that works for the tech-savvy people excited about new technology and the old souls who want to hold onto a passing phase a little longer. People posted their complaints and the things that they would like to bring back from the past on the X thread. While some are hilarious, some carry a real longing for a bygone era, at least parts of it. Others thought that certain new inventions have brought about more hassles than improvements. Here are the 15 most relatable ones that several people agree to:

1. QR codes are the real hassle 


2. Where to hangout- that is the question

3. They want to own what you pay for


4. The ever-evolving language; a trouble for all ages


5. Why do you need an email address to exist

6. Bring the old music back


7. When coffee weighs down on your pocket

8. Library culture needs to come back


9. A peaceful hike is a luxury nowadays


10. The need for slow-paced text content is real


11. Buy earphones, please


12. Where is the light?



13. Some people prefer calls over texts



Representative Image Source: Pexels | Hassan OUAJBIR
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Hassan OUAJBIR

14. Just want to listen to non-stop music



Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anete Lusina
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anete Lusina

15. Tired of overly sensitive technology

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