People have learned to find happiness in the simplest things - like puppies and sunshine - and that is the beauty of life.
On days that seem bleak, laughter can be the most powerful medicine there is to overcome the obstacles that life throws our way. What's remarkable is that laughter often emerges from the simplest and most unexpected sources. A witty joke, a funny pet video or a spontaneous, genuine smile from a stranger can all brighten your day. Even in our most trying times, the ability to find humor can be a lifeline, reminding us that there's still beauty in the world, waiting to elicit a heartfelt chuckle. So, when u/LilBitTiredOfLife asked people on Reddit, "What would make you smile right now?" they rushed to the comments section with the most honest replies. Here, we present to you a list of 10 heartfelt replies that will bring a smile to your face too.
A motherly figure to hug me tightly and tell me that it's all going to be okay. I have my mother but she is not the type to show physical or verbal affection, not that she doesn't love, she really does, but oftentimes, I have things in my heart that I want to let out but can't let out to her, she is not good with it. Not her fault though. u/Cute-Cactus-807 Here’s my digital arms to give you a virtual hug. I’m a mom here. u/Anxietylife4
In college. Very homesick. Miss my family and girlfriend. u/A_Sacred_Hamburger Hey, I have been in your shoes. As cliché as it sounds- it’s going to get better. You are doing something to better yourself, and you should be proud of yourself...Sending a virtual hug your way. u/cat_lover_1111
Some cuddles, real cuddles. Cuddles of someone who isn’t just hugging for a while, not just laying down next to me and not cuddling in a friendly way just to make me feel better. The kind of cuddles you receive from someone who loves you in a romantic way, who enjoys it when you wrap your arms around them and pull them close. Or maybe settle down, gently pulling you in close, perhaps resting their head on your shoulder. The feeling of a person who loves me romantically for who I am and someone who I know I can talk to and trust with my life. I’ve always been strongly disliked by almost everyone around me and my only friends - I don’t get to spend much time with them - have romantic partners, making me feel alone, even though I’m not. I’ve never thought that having physical touch as a love language would ever make me feel so alone. u/DutchAngelDragon12
One of my best friends is currently addicted to fentanyl and has been missing for weeks… A text or call back/confirmation that he’s just in treatment which is why he isn’t answering would be so nice. u/All4Love Relationships or friendships with someone who is an addict are not fun. I applaud your strength to keep caring and hoping he is okay. You’re a good friend- never forget that. u/cat_lover_1111
For one thing to go my way for once. So, tired of hearing other people do things and achieve goals etc and after all my hard work and watching from the sidelines. For just one thing to happen. I guess I’ll continue to work hard and work even harder lol. u/__coffeeandmoviesomg So right there with you, mate. I'm not alone in this state of soul. u/Deanelon98.
Feeling like I matter. u/urukim Me too, because I never fit in this world, but that’s alright because we were made to create a new world, my friend, keep on keeping on. u/Unleash_The_Priest You do, those who feel the smallest have the greatest potential to bring the strength needed to those around them. You were put here on this planet to uplift and inspire. Be good to someone, give them hope, and in return, you’ll get the same. You matter friend. u/brokenhymened
If I could get my teeth fixed. I’m so depressed and don’t even make eye contact with people anymore because I’m so embarrassed and ashamed. I’m not a drug addict or anything like that but I know people judge me and it sucks. I don’t really care what strangers think about me but it’s still hard because I’m so ashamed and I have no confidence anymore whatsoever. I haven’t even seen my family in over 6 years because I’m so embarrassed and I don’t want them to see me like this. I’m in the process of getting them removed so I can get dentures. I can’t wait until I can proudly smile in public again. u/Melodic-Bell8897
I really need a hug and somebody to tell me that I’m enough, that I’m strong, and that they have my back. I’m feeling so alone in the world right now and I only seem to attract people into my life who leech off me and it takes me too long to realize it (Autism). u/PuffPuffPass16
I am smiling right now! Just done doing what I love: playing the violin. u/ThisPlaceIsNiice You are talented! Playing the violin and typing on Reddit at the same time! I can barely do one thing at a time, wherever it is. That’s awesome! I would love to play the violin. u/Anxietylife4
It would make me cry at the same time, but I’d love to see my ex-boyfriend again. He killed himself a little over 2 years ago and he was just about to turn 17 at the time (older girl, younger guy type relationship). The fact that he never even got to see his 17th birthday is wild to me. I just wanna talk to him. Hear his voice, see him smile at me, hold him in the longest bear hug imaginable, and beg him not to leave again. Man. It’ll always hurt. u/mercvrysvn