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People share 10 peculiar things that are pretty normal for women but are mind-boggling for men

Some men are shocked by the fact that women need to constantly be on an active lookout, especially when they are alone.

People share 10 peculiar things that are pretty normal for women but are mind-boggling for men
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Fox, Reddit | u/Successful-Rent167

The strength and resilience of a woman is unmatched.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Nappy
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Nappy

There's a lot more differences between men and women than physical attributes. While certain behavioral patterns seem natural to women, men find them mind-blowing. u/Unfair_Quantity1413 asked people on Reddit to share things that are quite natural for women but hard to digest for men. Here are 10 of the best responses. 

1. Excruciating bleeding and clotting during menstruation 

Representative Image Source: Pexels|Sora Shimazaki
Representative Image Source: Pexels|Sora Shimazaki

"Walking around acting normal while you’re bleeding, fatigued, cramping and more. If someone was experiencing those symptoms as a result of anything else, they’d be on sick leave or at least communicating to people how they’re unwell. But nope, suck it up and go about your day like your uterus isn’t trying to murder you." -u/GirlisNo1 

2. The harsh reality of giving birth 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Yan Krukau
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Yan Krukau

"I can’t believe nobody said this, but birthing. I tried imagining a human growing in my belly. Feeling the baby move around and your body changing. Then, the thought of knowing that you have to extract this human from your body. It was terrifying. I salute you!" -u/halfbreed_prince "Don’t forget how after the baby is out, your organs have to move and settle back into place. I swear I could feel it happening. Everything just felt loose and like it was slipping around. So weird." -u/Beckella

3. The female body's power

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio

"That the vagina is a self-cleaning organ and that’s why we have discharge. We don’t clean the inside and it can actually be harmful to the ph-balance." -u/Sufficient-Put2928 "A man once fought me when I said all you need is some warm water on the inner labia otherwise you can get a fungal infection. He insisted we must use soap." -u/jardala

4. Grooming hair

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Lorena Villareal
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Lorena Villareal

"The amount of time it takes to do hair. Don’t get me wrong, it looks amazing when done, but the process of a woman getting her hair ready to go out is mind-blowing to me. Washing, drying, styling, etc. I’m sure I’ve completely butchered the process, but I love the finished product and don’t mind waiting." -u/JJD054 "What we’re talking about here is the seemingly gargantuan effort it takes to style your hair fully. From shampoo to finishing spray, it can take my daughter 90 minutes to be ready on a good day." -u/SantaMonsanto

5. Catcalling 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Mart production
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Mart production

"Girls start getting verbally sexualized by a certain kind of grown man, commonly, around 11 years old." -u/5050Clown "Even worse, the first time I was catcalled, I was 12. Now that I’m over 25, I don’t get catcalled anymore or if I do, it’s very rare. I’ve heard other women have a similar experience." -u/body_wrapper "I would get so much harassment as a teenager literally when wearing my school uniform like those creeps knew I was a child. By my mid-20s, it had become very rare. A very disappointing and scary realization." -u/prolly-not1

6. Affection from platonic friendships

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Helmy Zairy
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Helmy Zairy

"Cuddling / physical affection from our platonic friends. Some of the men in my therapy group are so touch-starved and it makes me sad that they can only get that from a romantic partner. I have easily 10 friends, who if I really needed a hug, would drop everything to come hold me. Friendship is so important and if you can have the chance, I encourage you to nurture and cultivate those relationships with the same fervor you do romantic relationships - it will make your life so much richer in a multitude of ways." -u/Puremerr

7. The need to constantly be on an active lookout

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Teona Swift
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Teona Swift

"I'm a man. I found this line from Ann Patchett's novel 'Tom Lake' striking - 'My mind did that quick mental calculation women must make when they find their exit blocked by a man they don’t know.' It seems like such a great summary of an issue women face often and we men do rarely." -u/Hugh_Biquitous. "I remember as a teenager how angering and frustrating it was when boys would ‘casually’ block the doorway so you couldn’t leave. They thought they were being cool and manly, but they had no idea how it makes our hackles automatically raise." -u/JadedVegetable3273

8. Understanding beyond one's words

Representative Image Source: Pexels| August de Richelieu
Representative Image Source: Pexels| August de Richelieu

"It is amazing to me that women can talk to someone for 10 minutes and know so many details about them. As guys, sometimes I’ll have friends that we don’t know each other’s names till the 3rd time we have hung out. I started noticing this when I started telling my girlfriend how I made some friends on my first day of classes in my senior year of college and she was asking me all these questions and I was like… wow. I have no idea about any of these answers." -u/Successful-Rent167

9. Stereotypical realities 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Karolina Grabowska
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Karolina Grabowska

"Emotional labor. We aren't super-human in our ability to locate things or replace something before it runs out. It is years and years of training and conditioning and everyone is certainly capable of it but the responsibility is largely set on women." -u/DancerDuckling. "I am often told I am 'better' at household chores, but it’s because I was expected to sweep, vacuum, mop, dust, help with cooking, etc. growing up, while my brother would mow the lawn. Now, he struggles to do basic household tasks/cook." -MooMoo33033 

10. The unfairness of most dieting strategies

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Julia Larson
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Julia Larson

"Dieting and losing no weight or gaining weight while your male partner drops 30 pounds no problem." -u/pugfan22. "My husband lost 20 pounds since last year and I observed zero noticeable change to his habits. I’m like 'How? You didn’t even do anything!' 'I don't know, I just bought Coke less and took more walks I guess.' That’s it?!" -u/EmiliusReturns. "This is mainly due to female hormones. It's messed up that you usually end up gaining weight if you don't eat enough because your hormones get all messed up." -u/Medical-Turnip8617

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