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People reveal what practices and realizations massively improved their mental health

Keeping a check on your mental health is important and one can take notes from these people who experienced a positive shift in their lives through these practices.

People reveal what practices and realizations massively improved their mental health
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Julia Avamotive

It's okay to not be okay

Representative Image Source: Pixabay/StockSnap
Representative Image Source: Pexels | StockSnap

Taking care of your mental health is as important as taking care of your physical fitness. But somehow, maintaining our mental well-being is a tad bit more challenging than maintaining a physical fitness regime. Fortunately, there are some ways in which we can manage our mental and emotional health. u/oigoabuya on Reddit kickstarted a healthy discussion on this topic with this question: "What massively improved your mental health?" Several people jumped in to share anecdotes from their personal experiences and some of these are truly insightful.

1. Sleep is important

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ketut Subiyanto

Prioritizing sleep makes everything else in your body work better. It’s the single most important determinant of health and almost no one seems to know or take it seriously. u/mkculs. Yeah, apparently a lack of sleep has a drastic increase in potentially causing Alzheimer's or dementia later on. It has something to do with the buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. That stuff gets washed away during sleep and if you don't get enough sleep, it keeps building up and eventually causes Alzheimer's. u/DemandZestyclose7145

2. Don't take someone else's burden

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

Realizing that in most instances, I’m not responsible for the feelings of others. It took a lot of self-blame off my shoulders. Here is an example: You are 35 and single. Your mom really wants you to get married, but you have no desire to do so. This really upsets her, but this choice is yours and you don’t have to carry the burden of her feelings. Example 2: My spouse had a bad day at work. She comes home upset and distraught. She yells at me venting her feelings. My past self would put the blame on me. Now I realize that that’s her feelings and I can help her through it to the best of my ability, but that burden is hers to carry. u/Actuaryba

3. Maintain only quality over quantity in friendships

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro studio

Knowing it's okay to leave some people behind. u/Wassingqw. This is so much. Always tried to maintain all my relationships with friends and family. I was so stressed, like taking care of a company. Now I just meet like one person a week and stopped texting everyone and I'm good. u/InfoLeech1337. Be careful with this one though because once your kids start to have an independent life around their preteen years you're going to be really lonely if you cut too many people out. Unfortunately, I've seen this happen to several friends who thought they were better than everybody when they had kids. u/IsItTurkeyNeckOrD*ck                   

4. Reducing screentime

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Magnus Mueller
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Magnus Mueller

I silenced my activity on social media and replaced my time spent there by reading books instead. I’ve finished six books since the start of January. I feel so good about myself because of it. u/doatmal422. Straight up, I’ve found that limiting my social media to people I enjoy being around (save this site every so often) has drastically lowered my blood pressure. Who would’ve guessed that constantly arguing on the internet and hate watching people on YouTube was bad for my health? u/OIDanboy

5. Quitting bad habits

Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio

Not drinking, going to therapy, lots of self-honesty. I read a book called "The Road Less Traveled" and the author, a psychiatrist, defined mental health as total dedication to the truth at any cost. And that has stuck with me. u/ClickPsychological. The not drinking thing was huge in my life. I am very proud of you for stopping harmful behavior; it’s not easy. Self-honesty seems to come easier when the drinking isn’t there to hide from it. Keep it up! u/unforgivenlizard

6. Spending more time with nature

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Julian Jagtenberg
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Julian Jagtenberg

Nature. People still overlook this simple thing and it's hard for many to find nature where they live. I took a trip to the mountains and had never felt more relaxed in my life. When I moved near the water, I instantly saw my mental health improve after living in the city for many years. I think when you realize that so much is alive all around us, it makes you stop and think how small we really are. u/carolynnmae. I just learned a pretty Japanese term "Forest bathing" which describes spending time in the forest to reduce stress and feel happier. u/GOBsMagicShow

7. Long drives can be calming

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Peter Fazekas
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Peter Fazekas

My new favorite thing is going on long drives down these desolate country roads and just seeing where the road takes us. Seeing all the fields and cows and trees and feeling lost but content in that feeling. I never realized just how beautiful where I lived was until I was riding through mountains and over long bridges. u/This_is_Fine8. My family has always been big on the Sunday drives - it’s gorgeous in the mountains. u/Perfect_Ad8198  

8. Getting a pet

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cats Coming
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cats Coming

I got a cat. He sits with me. I'll rant and say all kinds of stuff to him and he just sits there like go ahead and get that off your chest man. Life gets lonely especially if you don't have family, a partner or kids. It makes life a little easier. u/nimijen425. Cats are my lifesaver. I had a cat who was my absolute best friend for years. He was my dad's mistress’ cat. They eventually married. The whole situation ruined me. But damn that cat. That cat was my everything. He went missing last year while I was gone. My dad sent me a text saying, “Hawks are circling Charlie (the cat)” and then I came home three days later to my baby cat dead and Charlie missing. I miss him every day. No cat or person will ever compare to him. I’m okay now. But I’m forever grateful for that cat and being there for me. u/Ecstatic-Home3923

9. Getting out of your comfort zone

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Ron Lach
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ron Lach

I realized I was an extrovert with social anxiety rather than an introvert and I worked to overcome that anxiety. u/juanzy. I feel the same and recently came to the conclusion (which is all but definitive) that I can give a lot to others, but in a short period span. That's really hard and stressful man. It doesn't work that well because you're literally drained out. Less time with others, but spending better was my solution. This way I can be actually more active and people also perceive me better rather than trying to do the impossible, getting bored and actually not helping anyone. u/ImAvya

10. A change of scenery

Pexels | Photo by Anna Shvets
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets

I moved to a place that wasn't winter eight months of the year and I was close to the ocean. Haven't felt suicidal in over a year and a half, probably for the first time since I was 16. u/nimijen425. Interesting because for me it’s the opposite, I hate hot weather and I’m so depressed and I badly want to return to my eight-month winter. u/Interschoolbatumi. I'd say even a vacation that's relatively local. The trick for me is just detaching from what's causing you the stress and contributing to poor mental health and doing something that recharges you and/or gives you peace of mind. u/BitterestLily.

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