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People rally around woman who prioritizes herself over husband and kids as they take her for granted

This mom returns from a vacation only to find her house a big mess that was made by her inconsiderate husband and kids and decides she's had enough.

People rally around woman who prioritizes herself over husband and kids as they take her for granted
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings

Some of us often fail to find some time for ourselves while juggling obligations to manage a family. But maintaining a family and household is supposed to be a team effort where every member is taking some sort of responsibility or other. However, this woman was having a hard time because of her inconsiderate husband and kids, who took her for granted. A homemaker, who goes by @mainlinemusings on TikTok, shared her plight with other users and none of her audience could hold themselves from empathizing with her situation.

Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings
Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings

The woman has had enough of her family ignoring her wishes and devaluing her when she returned from a self-care trip to find the home in a messy state once again. “So, since October 9, 2019, I have not had a night to myself at all. I have been home, obviously, there was a pandemic. But I also didn’t work at the time. I was home, I had kids, my pets, and my husband. I was a homemaker. Fast forward to about three months ago, and I got a job. And I love my job. It’s been an adjustment for my family, myself included,” she started narrating in her TikTok video.

She indicated how her family was technically in vacation mode at that point. However since she had a job in retail, she could not leave at the same time as the rest of her family and was thinking of joining them later as vacation plans were long overdue for her. "I was going to give myself that because my birthday was next week. Happy Birthday to me!” she said with a hint of sarcasm and then proceeded to show the viewers her house which was a picture of pure chaos.

Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings
Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings

The woman continued explaining how her husband and kids went to the beach, leaving behind a sink full of dirty dishes and a laundry nightmare. "My clean clothes that were in the basket, my husband threw on the floor, and then somebody else threw clothes on top of it," she said, admitting that the situation is making her livid. "I love my family, but my kids are all old enough to take care of themselves. For 15 years, I’ve been everybody’s frontal lobe. I always cleaned our house. I just wanted to be able to come back from vacation to a clean house.”

Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings
Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings

She continued her video by sharing all the instances when she had asked her family to keep the house clean as she hates the clutter. However, they ended up dumping all the responsibilities on her while they went about their own business. 

Image Source: TikTok | @sonjabee1
Image Source: TikTok | @sonjabee1


Image Source: TikTok | @shesprague23
Image Source: TikTok | @shesprague23

She concluded by saying that she would have never done the same thing to her husband and advised people on TikTok to think twice before getting married. @sirenofthesea69 wrote: "As an unmarried young woman, marriage and motherhood look like never-ending labor!"

Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings
Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings

@jordaninbk advised: "Don’t join them. Let them see how well the vacation goes with only Dad to handle everything. Book a hotel and hire a cleaner. Happy birthday!" The woman also made two follow-up videos to record what went on after she ranted her heart out in the first video. In the second video update, the woman mentioned that she stayed back and ended up cleaning the house before she joined them for vacation. She mentions her family better keep it clean like it was shown in the video or they'll have "hell to pay."

Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings
Image Source: TikTok | @mainlinemusings

Even though she sounded pretty serious about keeping her house neat and clean and hoping her family understood that, her third video revealed nothing actually changed. However, she admits that she cares less now and does the chores when she feels like it. The woman concludes the video by saying that she is just matching the energy of her family who don't care about the work she does for them, teaching us to prioritize ourselves first.

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