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People rally around man who kicked future in-laws out for their negligent behavior toward his dog

His fiance did not approve of his reaction towards her parents but the man felt that their inconsiderate behaviour deserved a payback.

People rally around man who kicked future in-laws out for their negligent behavior toward his dog
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Lisa Fotios, Reddit | u/WarmPea2596

One sureshot way to infuriate a pet owner is being careless and condescending with their pet. After all, our little furry companions need the same love and care as we show our human loved ones. Reddit user u/WarmPea2596 shared an incident highlighting the strong bond he has with his dog, Lucy, and how he nearly lost his pet due to his future in-laws. When they went overboard with their insensitivity, the man decided to get even with them though it upset his fiance. However, people on the internet validated his actions.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov

Saying that his fiance, Meg, mostly stays at his place, the man mentioned that he decided to host her parents for Thanksgiving. Expressing his dislike for his future in-laws, he wrote, "They are all extremely conservative, conspiracy theorist, low-key racist, 'a woman's place is in the kitchen' types. Meg is very different from them but is close to them."

About his furry friend, the pet owner said, "I have a dog named Lucy. This is my dog, not Meg's dog and not our dog. I had Lucy for years before Meg was around and Meg is not a big fan of dogs, although she likes Lucy." His fiance's family arrived the day before Thanksgiving and Meg's mom asked him if she could take Lucy outside to greet Meg's sister. The man explained that his pet needed to be on a leash and that he would help her out in a minute. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Daniel Frank
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Daniel Frank


Paying no heed to the dog owner's words, Meg's mom took Lucy out and the pet ran away. "I ran out of the house and got in my car to drive after her, but I could never find her. I drove all around my neighborhood and adjacent neighborhoods," wrote the worried owner and added, "She had my number on her collar but I was terrified she was gone or got hit by a car or something." As he and his fiance were looking for Lucy everywhere, Meg's family made no effort to extend their help. The man mentioned that despite searching the whole day he couldn't find his beloved pet.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pranidchakan Boonrom
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pranidchakan Boonrom

While continuing his search the next day, the pet lover got a call that Lucy had been found. "She was a mess. She had several bite marks and was bleeding in several places. I think she got in a fight with a wild animal. I took her to the ER immediately and they patched her up," he wrote and added, "She will pull through luckily, but that process took a long time." After this horrible incident, the man wanted to be alone with his recovering pet but his fiance's dad enraged him saying that he needed to "be a man" and not care about the "stupid dog" as she was back. Lucy's owner immediately kicked his future in-laws out of his home though his fiance thought it was rude of him to send them out for an "honest mistake" when they had nowhere to stay. 

Image Source: Reddit | u/chewie8291
Image Source: Reddit | u/chewie8291


Image Source: Reddit | u/RichSignal7022
Image Source: Reddit | u/RichSignal7022


Image Source: Reddit | u/MontanaWildWiman
Image Source: Reddit | u/MontanaWildWiman

"I felt that her (Meg's) mom did not listen to what I told her and Lucy needed quiet alone time to recover. I never even got an apology," he wrote. Over a thousand Reddit users responded with reassuring words. "Kicking them out was reasonable. Send them the bill for the vet. If they’d apologized or expressed remorse, I would vote otherwise, but they clearly didn’t care that they caused you such distress let alone leading to the injury of an animal. They’re sociopaths," commented u/AceyAceyAcey. "I’m a dog dad too, and I can say without a doubt that I would rain down fire upon anyone who endangered my two, and I would not think twice about going scorched earth on a relationship with anyone who tried to minimize such behavior. Shocking. Your in-laws are terrible, and arguably your other half is worse," wrote u/cowandspoon.

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