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Mom responds with sass and honesty when asked about her 4-year-old child's school progress

Her response got social media users praising the mom for having her priorities right.

Mom responds with sass and honesty when asked about her 4-year-old child's school progress
Cover Image Source: Twitter | @EmilyGould

Kids today face pressures that previous generations never had to contend with. From academic expectations to social pressures, they’re often pushed to achieve milestones at an accelerated pace. While many parents recognize this and try to ease the burden, others get swept up in the competitive race, inadvertently dragging their children along. Emily Gould, an American author and self-proclaimed mom to "two Little Monsters" (as stated in her Twitter bio), is firmly in the first camp.

Gould won the internet’s admiration when she shared how she filled out a school form asking about her goals and expectations for her 4-year-old son's school year. She found the premise a bit absurd—after all, how many ambitions does a 4-year-old really need? Her answers reflected this sentiment perfectly. When asked, “Socially, one thing I would like my child to work on this year,” she simply wrote, “Not being a popular mean girl.”

"If I had to choose only three words to describe my child, I would choose," was another prompt that required her to answer. In response, Gould stated that she would describe her child as a "radiant, self-sufficient and effortlessly cool" person. However, it was her sassy response to another question on the same page that got social media users praising Gould for having her priorities right where they should be when raising a tiny human being. This question required her to name one thing that she would like her child to work on this particular school year in terms of academics. "LOL, who cares? He's 4," Gould reminded the school authorities.

She also expressed how proud she is of the person her child was shaping up to be in the last question on the page, which asked: "Is there anything else you would like me to know about your child?" While there is probably a lot Gould could have said about her kid, she contained it all in this response: "You will love Ilya. He's such a sweet person that sometimes I wonder if he was switched at birth. (Then I remember I had a home birth, lol.)" Gould shared a photograph of the form and her responses to the prompts in it, on Twitter, captioning it: "Just being honest."

Cover Image Source: Twitter/EmilyGould
Image Source: Twitter/EmilyGould

Many responded to the tweet, praising Gould's parenting style. "Very honestly told, for a four-year-old, there should not be any burden of assignments academically or any kind of work... you are a very good mom," wrote one Twitter user. "This is what a parent must understand. Let them grow, don't compare, give good support, be there as a friend, slowly teach values to the child," tweeted another. 

This article originally appeared 2 years ago.

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