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People laud stranger for alerting parents about nanny's concerning behavior toward their kid

Jay shared that they felt the need to say something when they noticed the parents of a child they'd previously seen at the park with a problematic nanny.

People laud stranger for alerting parents about nanny's concerning behavior toward their kid
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @jayruinsthemself

Speaking up is not always easy when you see something wrong happening, but this nanny dared to do just that. Jay, a nanny who goes by @jayruinsthemself on TikTok, shared in a video that they had often seen a nanny mistreating a child at a park. They started the video by saying, "I'm at the park and the kid who is always here with a really mean nanny is here with her parents."

Image Source: TikTok | @jayruinsthemself
Image Source: TikTok | @jayruinsthemself

Jay then looked into the camera and expressed, "I'm really tempted to say something." She captioned her video, "I'm nosy, I don't care." Their video went viral and garnered over 445K views. Jay posted a follow-up video, sharing what happened next. "I wish there was more of a story time," Jay began. They then spoke about how they had seen this nanny at the park before with a 12-month-old kid. "She just manhandled him and always yelled when correcting his behavior... always," they revealed.

Image Source: TikTok | @jayruinsthemself
Image Source: TikTok | @jayruinsthemself

So, Jay went over to the child's parents and told them what they'd witnessed. "Your kid is really sweet and he always wants to play with my kids and I just think you should know that, if I were a parent, I would want my nanny to be kinder to my kid than your nanny is to your kid," they explained. After hearing that, the parents responded, "Oh my God! What do you mean? Who are you?" Jay explained that although the parents didn't know them, they had seen their kid around because they are a nanny. Jay also told them that being a nanny, they were at this park a lot.

Image Source: TikTok | @jayruinsthemself
Image Source: TikTok | @jayruinsthemself

"There was a little bit of a language barrier, but I did my best and eventually they were like, 'Okay, thank you so much' and they were on the way out, so they just left," they revealed. In the end, Jay crossed their fingers and hoped that there would be a new nanny with the kid when they see the child next. People in the comments appreciated Jay for talking to the parents. 

Image Source: TikTok | @atrustedadult
Image Source: TikTok | @atrustedadult

@throw_away commented, "You did the right thing. We should always strive to speak up for those who can't speak up for themselves." @tivoryluelane wrote, "Thank you for speaking up. A lot of people saw me mistreated as a child and no one ever did anything. Thank you. You're a good person." @mommasweettea4 expressed, "At the very least, they probably talked to her and now she knows someone out there is watching!"

Image Source: TikTok | @justgettingthrutheday
Image Source: TikTok | @justgettingthrutheday

@roznyc shared, "Other people in the park likely noticed it too and didn't say a word. You did the right thing." @smilingsmyfavorite expressed, "Wow, that was brave and compassionate of you! Thank you." We hope the child's parents will hopefully keep an eye on how the nanny behaves with their child after hearing Jay's account of the nanny's behavior.

You can follow Jay (@jayruinsthemself) on TikTok for more content on her life.

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