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People highlight 15 perfectly fine things that get way more hate than they should

We often come across things or lifestyle habits that we've been led to believe are wrong, but upon reflection, they may not be that bad.

People highlight 15 perfectly fine things that get way more hate than they should
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | John-Mark Smith, Reddit | u/CosmoAlways

We live in a world where unsolicited opinions are constantly repelled yet surprisingly, people don't hold back from strongly detesting certain things. Maybe it's fair that everyone is entitled to their own pet peeve, but to go full-on judgemental about things—like taking a lazy day, eating mildly unhealthy, or choosing a certain lifestyle—that's kind of irksome, right? So, what's up with all these judgments and contempt over something or someone? Are people reacting to the unknown or being reminded of their own weaknesses? That's a mystery! However, one thing is for sure - the era of social media has made this mass animosity more prevalent. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels |  Mike van Schoonderwalt
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mike van Schoonderwalt

Time and again, a new trend pops up on the internet, and as much as people rush to hop onto it, it also gathers a lot of criticism. Also, when a celebrity or an influencer labels something 'icky,' it suddenly becomes a subject of cringe for everyone else. But, if we sit back and think about it, we may not have despised it at all. So, when u/shaunna_thedork asked the Reddit community, "What's something that's hated way more than it should be?" more than 5000 responses poured in. These responses reflect how much disdain we show towards something that's not actually bad or wrong. Here are 15 relatable things that actually don't deserve to be loathed, yet somehow, are deemed despicable by many.

1. Doing nothing

Sitting idle. I hate it when it's labelled as 'wasting time.' You need some time for your brain to slow off and just exist. It's not a crime. -u/Ineedavacation1999.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

2. Others' hobbies

Other people's interests. People love to just hate things like they're a movie hero with a vengeance. My boy, it literally doesn't affect you, chill. -u/D3dshotCalamity

3. Spiders!

Spiders. They eat things you don't want in your house. Try and leave them alone. -u/Hopeful-Passion-2221

4. Kindness

Being kind. Kind people should be looked up to as a good example, not looked down on as 'weak.' -u/djb2589

5. Fast food workers

Fast food workers. Most of y'all have no idea how hard we actually work, or how horribly y'all treat us for no reason whatsoever. -u/Titan_Tails
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Kampus Productions
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Kampus Productions

6. Whatever women like

Any hobby, movie or book series that is particularly popular amongst women and girls. -u/UnderstandingFun5200

7. Waking up late

Sleeping in. People act like you're a useless member of society if you sleep past 10. -u/CosmoAlways

8. Disliking alcohol

People who choose not to drink who aren't recovering alcoholics or pregnant. People who do drink but have decided they don't feel like drinking that night. Their reasoning being they simply don't want to. -u/Stormflier

9. Not wanting kids

People who choose to be child-free. Some people just don't want kids, and that's fine. -u/CreativeCat92

10. Transgender people

Transgender people. We're not corrupting children or anything, that's just the lie they're trying to use to turn us into the latest political football. -u/Altoid_Addict

11. Veganism

Vegetarians/vegans. I don't know why caring about animals and trying not to cause harm inspires mockery and scorn from some people. -u/shadowsOfMyPantomime
Representative Image source: Pexels | Vegan Liftz
Representative Image source: Pexels | Vegan Liftz

12. Android

Androids. People with iPhones think they have some diamond when most of the time they have a phone android has already had for years. -u/r0ckerdud3

13. Pineapple on pizza

Pineapple on pizza! It gets so much hate, but honestly, the sweet and salty combo is pretty solid. It’s not for everyone, but the amount of outrage it causes is way over the top for a simple pizza topping. Let people enjoy their food! -u/Dream_Fairy04
Representative Image Source: EFE Burak Baydar
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Efe Burak Baydar

14. Overweight people

Honestly- overweight people. Not dating one is fine but the way people talk about us or treat is just mind blowing in the worst way. I’m a person with feelings not an ogre. -u/jazmine_likea_flower

15. Wellness trends 

Wellness trends. I get it can be cringe and I'll admit occasionally there's a toxic trend disguised as wellness. But for the most part they're pretty positive and it's a good thing people are wanting to work on themselves and be healthier, mentally especially. -u/Economy-Strain-3346

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