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People help woman meet her favorite TV star again after she 'blew up' the first meeting

The woman had only one thing to say to Alan Tudyk from 'Resident Alien' but despite meeting him, it didn't happen till fellow fans came to the rescue.

People help woman meet her favorite TV star again after she 'blew up' the first meeting
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Andrea Piacqudio; Reddit | u/ComfortableCommon439

Fans dream of having that one encounter with their beloved celebrity to cherish as a core memory. They have all sorts of things planned and hope if they ever get the chance to meet, the same would be perfect. Unfortunately, a “Resident Alien” fan, u/ComfortableCommon439, shared how bereaved she was after “messing up” her only encounter with the TV show’s lead, Alan Tudyk. Hearing her dejected experience, fellow fans from the r/ResidentAlientTvshow forum on Reddit did something wholesome. The woman mentioned that she had gone to a fanfest in Boston in hopes of meeting the actor and thanking him for a heartwarming reason

Image Source:  Alan Tudyk at The Langham Huntington, Pasadena on February 14, 2024 in Pasadena, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)
Image Source: Alan Tudyk at The Langham Huntington, Pasadena on February 14, 2024, in Pasadena, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

“I wanted to tell him that Resident Alien was the first show that made me laugh after my husband died this winter, that it helped me to feel human again,” she wrote. The woman shared that, unfortunately, the actor was too busy with a massive crowd of fans and was exhausted. “He still had a couple of hours of photo ops ahead of him and I just got too nervous about taking up his time and knew I couldn’t do it without crying,” she wrote. She met the actor and got an autograph but could not share the testimony.

Image Source: Chris Sheridan, Alan Tudyk, Sara Tomko, Alice Wetterlund and Corey Reynolds at The Langham Huntington, Pasadena on February 14, 2024 in Pasadena, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)
Image Source: Chris Sheridan, Alan Tudyk, Sara Tomko, Alice Wetterlund and Corey Reynolds at The Langham Huntington, Pasadena on February 14, 2024, in Pasadena, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

“I will now spend the rest of my days regretting how I missed my chance to let him know that his work affected someone and helped them through a hard time,” she added. Several people in the forum suggested she visit the fest again and have her dream come true. Fellow fans empathized with her and wanted her a fair chance at redemption. u/Tall_Ad_194 wrote, “Write him a letter or email and tell him what you just wrote us.” u/Beginning_Past3803 said, “Send him a brief message telling him how he made you laugh and how much it meant to you.” 

Several people shared and commented on the post and right enough, Tudyk himself found the message through a friend. He commented on the post, thanking the woman for her understanding and empathizing with her. He said, “Sorry, you feel like you missed your opportunity. I have read your message. I love that you have such a beautiful connection with the show. I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. I’m glad you’re finding your laugh again and honored that I’m part of that. Your story and similar stories I’ve heard are so touching.” He recalled how his work became more meaningful thanks to fans like her. He added, “It makes me feel like my work, which I appreciate getting to do, has worth beyond the Hollywood hustle of it all and the bullsh*t business of show business.”

Image Source: Reddit|u/ActualAIALANtudyk
Image Source: Reddit | u/ActualAIALANtudyk

Tudyk also offered to meet the woman again at the fest if possible. He wrote, “Come by if you want today I’ll be here till 2:30, then I have to go catch a plane. I’d love to say thank you in person.” He also shared a selfie and wrote, “Still tired!” Though the woman couldn’t go back to Boston, she was overwhelmed with the response. She mentioned that it was her and her kids’ first Father’s Day without their dad and she had to be there for them. She said, “It pained me to have to turn down such an amazing offer, but I had to put the boys and their needs first. I’ll have next year (hopefully) to try again. They want to go back to FanFest next year!”

Image Source: Reddit|u/buttercupcake23
Image Source: Reddit|u/buttercupcake23
Image Source: Reddit|u/AndySkibba
Image Source: Reddit|u/AndySkibba

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