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People can't believe granny mistakenly used grenade as hammer to crack walnuts for 20 years

The elderly woman found the grenade in a field many years ago and thought it was a lump of iron.

People can't believe granny mistakenly used grenade as hammer to crack walnuts for 20 years
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Paul Theodor Oja

It is normal for people to use a hammer or a stone to grind peppercorns, break walnuts, or for other household tasks. But using a hand-grenade for the same tasks? That's exactly what a 90-year-old woman was doing. For 20 years, she used a grenade in all the ways anyone else might use a hammer at her home in Xiangyang which is in Central China’s Hubei Province, per Global Times.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Yan Krukau

The Public Security Bureau of Baokang County shared a video of finding the grenade on Weibo, China's version of X. It is said that the elderly woman found the grenade in a field many years ago and thought it was a lump of iron. The grenade was discovered on Sunday, June 23 when an old building in the town of Huangbao, which belonged to the woman, was being demolished. The police had to send "professional bomb disposal personnel" to the building to retrieve the grenade, per Business Insider.

Representative Image Source: Pexles | Kindelmedia
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Kindel Media

The unavailable video footage shows two men wearing T-shirts, long pants, and red hard hats putting the grenade in a bubble wrap sleeve. While the villagers were looking at what was happening, a police officer helped the men. One personnel secured the sleeve using a scotch or masking tape. The Public Security Bureau of Baokang County wrote, "Fortunately, this safety hazard has been eliminated and has not caused any harm or injuries."

The onlookers and the police were quite shocked at the news of finding a grenade. Some Weibo users commented on the quality of the bomb as it hadn't exploded for the last 20 years. One person wrote, "It's so obviously a grenade, and no one recognized it. The young didn't recognize it. The old didn't recognize it. Have they never seen war?" Another person was curious how the granny controlled her strength, speculating that she might obtain a "soft-hearted" grenade. Thankfully, the police and the personnel were able to remove the grenade from the house without any accidents.

Another 90-year-old woman was stunned when she got to know that an art piece that was hanging on her kitchen wall was worth thousands of dollars. Her children, fortunately, didn't allow her to throw it away. Her family called in an art appraiser to look at the piece and tell them its actual worth. It turned out to be a painting by an Italian painter called Cimabue from the 13th century, valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars. He is said to be one of the last artists who used the Byzantine style for his artwork. It was a style well-known in parts of Eurasia in the 1450s.

The painting is called, "Christ Mocked" and the painting was sent for auction in 2019. A London-based dealer Fabrizio bought it for €24.2 million ($26.8 million). After getting to know the bid placed on the painting, the French Government called it a "national treasure" and didn't let it leave the country. Meanwhile, the Louvre raised funds to purchase the painting and it is said that it will soon be up for public display in Spring in the Louvre Museum.

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