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People are stunned to witness how drastically this country's weather changes in one day

The internet is flabbergasted by the abrupt change in Slovenia's weather while the residents find it quite normal.

People are stunned to witness how drastically this country's weather changes in one day
Cover Image Source: X | @bosstjanz

For some people, it's the sunny skies and blossoming trees that seem like impressive weather while others prefer the frozen air, blanket of snow and the coziness of the winter. There's beauty in every season. However, even the most beautiful scenery might turn dreadful when the weather changes are drastic and unforeseen. That was the case for the people of Slovenia this month when nature worked its magic and abruptly changed the country's scenery. Ever since Boštja—who goes by @bosstjanz on X—posted an image depicting the weather change in Slovenia, people are in disbelief.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

The image shows a collage of two pictures of the same place taken one day apart. The image of the place on 15th April is an absolute photogenic summer scenery with grasslands filled with many shades of green and trees blooming with beautiful pink flowers. Cut to the next day, Slovenia was a winter wonderland. The same place was covered in a thick blanket of snow and everything colorful was now in shades of white and grey. With fog rolling over the mountains, one would not believe that the same place was brimming with sunshine the previous day. The temperature went from 28 degrees down to 3 degrees in just one day.


However, it was not the sudden fall in temperature that was surprising to the Slovenians - it was the unusually warm weather that resembled summer, as per the Slovenia Times. The country faced over ten days of sunshine and warmth which suddenly shifted to icy cold in just a day. Turns out, the weather forecast had predicted this rapid shift in weather accurately but people were so engulfed soaking in the sun that they didn't expect a drastic temperature drop of up to 26 degrees Celsius. While the original post itself had nearly 15000 views, it gained attention from millions when it was shared by many other users on different social media platforms. Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) shared this image and while some were perplexed others emphasized that it was common.




"Looks like Slovenia's weather is as unpredictable as my love life - sunny one minute, stormy the next!?" joked @073tas. "I live in Slovenia and am shocked because of these extreme weather changes. However, a few years back, we had heavy snow on April 27th, which was also a freaky occasion," added @KristijanNikl.




"It was a big temperature drop in most of the Balkans, maybe wider. Where I am, it was 30 to 1 °C in one day. It's all-natural and not that unusual," @BukvarevicEdim noted. "In centralized Europe, such chatter in April does happen. It is nothing strange. There is such a proverb in Polish: 'April pleaches still interweaves a little winter a little summer.' So such incidents have taken place for a long time. It is normal," pointed out @huber_zibignew.

One of the primary reasons for this major shift in weather was the Bora and Tramontane winds in the West of Primorska. The rapid change from sunny to windy, rainy and snowy caused a lot of traffic disruption and property damage in the country. However, since April 17th, the extreme weather conditions have been easing up a little bit because the cyclone was moving South. The country was expected to have a low temperature for a while.

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