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People are sharing the 10 greatest qualities that make them like someone instantly

While it takes time to grow to like someone completely, people are saying that these specific qualities make it faster.

People are sharing the 10 greatest qualities that make them like someone instantly
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio; Reddit | u/Natural-Mention5416

Lovable characteristics of people 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Christina Morillo
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Christina Morillo

Many individuals have innate qualities that make others like them within a short time of meeting them. Whether it is their warmth, sincerity or charisma, these people effortlessly attract people. The company of such individuals also uplifts others as they build healthy relationships throughout their lives. With more of our lives becoming intertwined, it is always nice to have a few likable qualities. So, when u/learn24-7 asked the community, "What is that one thing that makes you like a person instantly?" people shared some of the most wholesome qualities that they have come across. Here are 10 of the most interesting answers from them.

1. The ability to talk well 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | August de Richelieu
Representative Image Source: Pexels | August de Richelieu

"Conversation. If we are having some deep a** conversations, I'm immediately drawn to you and feel closer to you." -u/Immediate_Fix_1442. "I also love conversation! I used to travel a lot and was always alone, so I would just wait for strangers who also liked to talk to come along and have a conversation. There's one guy I met like this 6 years ago and we still talk. I wish people enjoyed talking more, but I wish that talkers were also equal listeners. I've got some really good friends who just can't shut up sometimes and allow a response. It's fine they're good people and I know them and love them." -u/PrivacyIsRaked

2. Respecting animals and senior individuals 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

"Respect for animals and elderly people." -u/Quick_Apartment4616. "Respect should always be given until they show they're not worthy, regardless of who they are. I've worked in personal care and animal rescue (foster, rehabilitation & rehome) for years. I will say that I prefer animals to most people." -u/ruthtrick. "People always say you have to earn respect. Respect should be the default. You earn disrespect." -u/GenericFatGuy

3. Being authentic 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes

"A sense of authenticity. When someone is comfortable being themselves, without pretense or trying to impress, it creates an atmosphere of trust and openness. This genuine nature makes me feel at ease and more inclined to be authentic too, fostering mutual respect and likability from the start." -u/Alternative_Cow_85

4. Making sure everyone feels included

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes

"Ability to make everyone in a room feel seen and included. When someone goes out of their way to ensure no one is left out of a conversation or activity, it speaks volumes about their character. It shows they're thoughtful, considerate and genuinely kind, traits that make them instantly likable." -u/Straight-Dentist3591

5. Kindness to strangers 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Samantha Garrote
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Samantha Garrote

"Kindness to strangers. When I see someone going out of their way to be kind, whether it's holding the door open, helping someone with directions, or any small act of consideration, it speaks volumes about their character. It shows they care about others, making me instantly admire and like them." -u/Excellent_Oil3519

6. Having empathy 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Lalesh Aldarwish
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Lalesh Aldarwish

"Seeing someone display empathy instantly makes me like them. It’s the understanding and sharing of others' feelings that highlights their compassion and humanity, fostering a sense of connection and safety around them. This trait is incredibly appealing and draws me in right away." -u/Acceptable_String459

7. Paying attention 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Nappy
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Nappy

"Their ability to pay attention. One of my absolute favorite people of all time was this girl I used to bartend with. If we were having a conversation, she would always seem genuinely interested in what I had to say (along with everyone else who worked there, so I knew she wasn't just playing favorites with me, etc). I would be telling a story or something similar and, oftentimes, she or I would have to tend to a guest, clean and the like. She would always make sure she came back around and would say, 'Now what were you saying? Please, continue.' I know that sounds like a little thing, but too many people, including myself, just don't take those conversations seriously at all, but she would always make anyone talking to her feel special and important." -u/grimbolde

8. Sense of humor 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Elle Hughes
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Elle Hughes

"A genuine smile and a sense of humor. Someone who can laugh, especially at themselves, and spread positivity through a smile has a magnetic quality. It's a sign of warmth, openness, and a positive outlook on life, making me instantly feel more connected and interested in getting to know them." -u/Western_Second_8471

9. Making an effort to connect 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Hannah Nelson
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Hannah Nelson

"There was this one time when we were all dispersing to go home, and I usually walk alone. But then this girl all of a sudden waited for me to catch up to her or something so that she could talk to me. I found it really cute. Trying to make the effort to talk to me is something that makes me like someone instantly, in my opinion." -u/annotrix2580

10. Having a light-hearted approach 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Craig McKay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Craig McKay

"Their ability to laugh easily and often, especially in mundane or stressful situations. It shows a light-hearted approach to life and the ability to find joy or humor in the little things. This trait tends to make conversations more enjoyable and indicates a positive outlook, making me instantly like them." -u/Natural-Mention5416

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