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People are really invested in this woman's amusing experiment on how her boyfriend picks outfits

Millie has been leaving gaps between shirts in her boyfriend's closet to see whether he always picks out the shirt he first lays eyes on.

People are really invested in this woman's amusing experiment on how her boyfriend picks outfits
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @juddlymillie

TikTok user @juddlymillie is making quite the waves on social media by sharing the amusing social experiment she's been conducting with her oblivious boyfriend as the test subject. Millie has been leaving gaps between shirts in his closet to see whether he would pick out the shirt he sees first. "Being the simpleton he is, he'll just go for it because he can see it," she says in one video. She has done a series of videos on the experiment, documenting how her boyfriend really does seem to go for the first shirt his eyes land on. In the first episode of this series, her boyfriend Angus did as she assumed and she celebrated in her video. @Shalini commented, "Literally, please never stop. I beg of you."

Image Source: TikTok | @juddlymillie
Image Source: TikTok | @juddlymillie

Episode 2 of her series amassed 1.5 million views. In this video, she left a gap between two of his T-shirts. Soon, we see Angus singing "American Pie" and wearing one of the shirts. The third and fourth episodes became really popular as they garnered 2.3 million and 1.2 million views respectively. People were quick to comment as well. @P commented, "Hahaha, what? He chooses the first top he sees. His mornings must be so easy." @VictoriaS expressed, "Next time, make the gap to the left or the right, no right in front! I want to see if he still picks it!!" @greenblueyellow404 shared, "I often puppet master my husband into the choice I want. It’s like a fun game I play against myself."

@rmillhouse wrote, "If I want my husband to wear something out, I move it to the top of the drawer. Then he thinks he picked it himself." @GShe90 joked, "To any friend that ever said 'don't overthink it, he doesn't' about a man I’m into: I’m sorry." After these episodes, the series became even more popular than expected. Millie told her viewers, "Now it feels like so much pressure, and I feel so devious, and I kind of want to tell my boyfriend what happened."

Image Source: TikTok | @juddlymillie
Image Source: TikTok | @juddlymillie

The video series also created a bit of trouble for her. One of Angus' colleagues showed him one of Millie's TikTok videos as someone had uploaded it on Twitter. Millie later uploaded a video explaining how her series almost got busted. People in the comment section were not pleased with the boyfriend's colleague. @AnnaMilena wrote, "Yo, boyfriend's colleague, we are soooooo displeased with you right now." @Ella wondered, "WHY WOULD HIS COLLEAGUE DO THAT?! It’s clear that’s the point of the video." @caitlin.frances said, "Why would his colleague want to disrupt a scientific experiment? This is a quest for knowledge and he so flippantly tried to ruin it!"

Image Source: TikTok | @juddlymillie
Image Source: TikTok | @juddlymillie

But Millie was able to manage it. "I just said, 'Oh, it's a video of you humming; I don't know why that would've been downloaded," she recounted. "And he just was kind of, like, 'Oh yeah, weird.' And we haven't spoken about it since. So I think we're in the clear."

She also tried double gaps in his wardrobe and made a festival special video where Angus was packing from his cupboard. Many viewers on TikTok have appreciated and enjoyed Millie's videos and it is truly a fun social experiment to watch. We also learned from the comments section that partners of many people pick clothes like Angus does and for that reason, this video has been super relatable!

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