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People are counting all the red flags in this insane and unrealistic job description

This job description is doing rounds on the internet as people are confused about the employer's demands.

People are counting all the red flags in this insane and unrealistic job description
Cover Image Source: Pexels | Tima Miroshnichenko; Reddit | u/mfkoolaid

Unrealistic job expectations are not a new thing on the internet. We often encounter a bizarre job posting that makes us question today's work culture. Similarly, a new job post is doing the rounds on the internet, where people are counting the obvious red flags. u/mfkoolaid shared the job description, where the employer called for a resume that started with, "Ayo, whatcha got Instagram fam. Please don't waste our time or yours." Moreover, the description had a long list of must-haves and "probably not the job for you" reasons.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

The job's must-haves included: "Real bar experience, real craft beer knowledge, old school hip hop knowledge, high volume bartending experience, don't suck yo, able to work late nights, open availability and part-time and NYC sarcasm knowledge." The red flag started as soon as the employer mentioned "probably not the job for you," points. It included: "If you get tired after working three days in a row, probably not the industry for you." The other points said, "If you're tired from another job" and "If you ask, 'What's the pay like' or 'What time do I get to leave'" or if they are emotional, sensitive or lazy and if their Instagram feed was filled with political posts, "definitely not the job for you."

The description continued, "If you feel you get what we mean, please reach out yo." An update said, "If you're a friend or a regular and have never worked in this industry and think because you go to bars and drink at bars that this job is easy...please do me a favor and do not offer your time." The person added, "We appreciate you a whole bunch, but this job isn't for everyone." After reading this job description, people have a lot to say.

u/DontBanWillComeBack commented, "Thank God I quit the last place that was like that. In the middle of the day on a Friday. That day alone cost them more in less than paying me a fair wage, but yeah. The boss had to work the whole weekend. When they called me, I picked up, laughing...asked them if they would double my wage. No? OK bye. Also, sued them and got my money and some more."

Image Source: Reddit | u/mfkoolaid
Image Source: Reddit | u/mfkoolaid

u/throwplushie shared, "I counted 12. Just seems like a really out-of-touch douchebag trying to rope people in and trick them into thinking this is a chill environment when they'll be expected to do extra work and work overtime with nothing in return. Also, all the 'don't suck' and 'don't be overly sensitive' s*** tell me that they won't respond to any polite criticism or anything negative about the job or their management skills and will treat you like shit every time a small mistake is made."

Image Source: Reddit | u/mfkoolaid
Image Source: Reddit | u/mfkoolaid

u/omghorussaveusall remarked, "Honestly, the biggest red flag for me is this reads like a sports or college bar. I would never answer this ad, but if it is a high volume bar, much of what they say is's not a job for everyone and you have to be a certain type of person to survive. In some ways, flying their red flags is smart. They will likely get their type of person. That being said, it is a huge pass on working at a place like this. I worked at a high-volume bar with good ownership who treated us really well as both boss and person and had coworkers I'm still friends with more than a decade later. It still broke my soul."

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