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Parents take their daughter on 'only child' moon before she becomes an elder sister

An important part of parenting is to make sure that no kid of yours ever feels replaced by another one.

Parents take their daughter on 'only child' moon before she becomes an elder sister
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @sportsdrmorgan

Parenthood is a beautiful yet important responsibility. Some might even argue and say it is the best feeling in the world. That is because parenthood makes you experience a kind of love you never thought you could feel. However, parenthood comes with a lot of learning - especially if you plan to have more than one baby. A mother on TikTok who goes by the username @sportsdrmorgan posted a video wherein she shared a personal story about what she and her husband did during her second pregnancy.

Image Source: TikTok | @kaitlynshuttleworth1
Image Source: TikTok | @sportsdrmorgan

She begins the video by saying, "You've heard of a babymoon but we took an 'only child' moon." What she meant by that was that unlike what most couples do before having a baby, which is to take a babymoon to spend some quality time with each other, she and her husband opted for an "only child" moon. The purpose was to allow their daughter of two and a half years some quality time with her parents, the kind where she was the only center of their world and they were only her parents. 

Image Source: TikTok | @kaitlynshuttleworth1
Image Source: TikTok | @sportsdrmorgan

What they decided to do at this time was visit New York City. Morgan says, "A long weekend away for our 2.5-year-old before she becomes a big sister to twins, and enjoyed all of NYC we could together." They visited as much of New York City as they could - right from the iconic Central Park to coffee shops and fine dining. The graphics behind the overlay text of her video show that her family visited restaurants and bakeries, and walked through the city, and also a cute video of her husband carrying their little princess on his shoulders.

Image Source: TikTok | @kaitlynshuttleworth1
Image Source: TikTok | @sportsdrmorgan

As she mentions in the end part of her video, the soon-to-be elder sister got to spend some quality time with her parents. Since twins include a lot of work, this decision also allowed her and her husband some much-needed time with their firstborn. In Morgan's words, "She got some adventure time with mom and dad, and we got time to enjoy her before the chaos ensues." And the chaos shall ensue soon. She ended the video by stating, "One more special memory we made," and that indeed seems to be the case.

Image Source: TikTok | @kaitlynshuttleworth1
Image Source: TikTok | @kaitlynshuttleworth1

The comment section was full of joyful, inspired and loving parents and soon-to-be parents who had either already done this or loved the idea enough to do it. @best_whit said, "What’s such a great idea! I’ll try to remember for when I get pregnant again," the mom said, "Thanks! We were lucky it timed out so well and went for it. So glad we did!" @tianaandbuchanan high-fives the creators as she says, "We did that but didn’t think of the cute name. One last weekend with my baby before his world turned upside down. (Side note, he LOVES his baby bro)" More people shared their stories and plans about this. @dianaaaball said, "We’re doing this with our son! He’ll be turning 2 in January and baby sister will be here in May. We’re taking him to Disneyworld for his bday," @namanamna said, "We did the same thing with my 18-month-old daughter! We went to Portland for 3-4 days before I had my twin girls."

Image Source: TikTok | @kaitlynshuttleworth1
Image Source: TikTok | @novas_mumma 

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