Some parents have been spooked by children 'recalling' their previous life and even more so by the details they share.
Kids often surprise parents with their unfiltered thoughts and take on the world. Has your child ever said something that sent a chill down your spine? One woman shared one instance of her kid recalling losing her husband from her previous birth and it spooked her. This led to many other parents sharing similar stories of kids saying weird spooky things. It all started when Lilah Sturges tweeted, "What’s the eeriest thing a child has ever said to you? When my daughter was around 4-5, she calmly insisted that she had once been married to a man named Brad Huffington. When we asked what had happened to him she replied with a note of sadness, “He was lost at sea.”
What’s the eeriest thing a child has ever said to you?
— Lilah Sturges (@LilahSturges) April 6, 2022
When my daughter was around 4-5, she calmly insisted that she had once been married to a man named Brad Huffington. When we asked what had happened to him she replied with a note of sadness, “He was lost at sea.”
Her daughter is now 21 years old. "I mentioned this tweet to my daughter and she reminded me that Brad lost a leg while serving in the Navy prior to his demise and that they had five kids together," she added. While some found the tweets amusing, those with an inclination to believe in the supernatural were spooked. Many responded with eerie things their kids said and here are 16 of them that spooked us:
My bestie died suddenly when I was 28. It was a complete shock and I'm still shook... about 6 years ago my then 3 year old asked me a lot of questions about what I did before he was born. Middle of answering he says "Yeah, I remember. We were best friends weren't we?"
— The Tao of the Pandalorian (@KowMark) April 6, 2022
At age five my son drew a portrait of our family of four with two tiny upside down people.
— Rebecca Woolf (@GirlsGoneChild) April 6, 2022
A year later I gave birth to twins.
A friend's child insisted on sleeping with infant sibling, explaining, "The baby still knows how to talk to God, and I am forgetting how."
— Kim Scott 🇺🇦 #BLM (@kimballscott) April 6, 2022
OMG I HAVE ONE. This isn’t about my kid though. We were at a funeral and my aunt has passed. Our cousin was sobbing and her son, he looked at her, I believe he was 4 ish, and he said, I don’t know why you’re crying, you’re next. AND SHE WAS THE NEXT FAMILY MEMBER TO DIE
— Lauren Nelda Pascal (@laurennelpascal) April 7, 2022
Standing next to a family crossing the street and their youngest, maybe 5, looks at me and says "I'm going to take your eyes." No expression, and not a single family member even blinked. I think about that often and it still shivers me timbers.
— Lard of Dorkness 🇺🇦 🌻 (@LardFDorkness2) April 6, 2022
Interesting bedtime chat with my 3 year old tonight: “daddy, I had a family a long time ago & my mummy was called Sochi & I was called Anke but then I died & now I’m with your family,” Anyway, if anyone needs me, I’ll be up cleaning the pants I just shat for the rest of the night
— Dan Schreiber (@Schreiberland) August 19, 2021
As we approached a bend on the road I suddenly started advising the group not to walk along the road and move up farther into the shrubs where there was no clear path. Moments later two trucks nearly collided on the bend and one of them had to swerve where we would be walking
— Potani Kachamba (@LA_VYOTO) April 7, 2022
When my son was around 4 or 5 he said “Do you remember back when I was big and you were little and we used to eat lunch by the river?”
— Renée Stewart (@reneestewart_13) April 6, 2022
He’s named after my grandfather who used to take me to the river for picnics.
We took my nephew (5 at the time) to the beach for a picnic. He immediately walked to the edge of the lake and just stared at it for a good half hour. We got lunch ready and told him to come eat and this little fucker slowly turns to us and goes “the lake wants a sacrifice”.
— Dizzy (@13silverroses) April 6, 2022
When she was 3 or so, I was driving and we stopped at a stop sign. From the back, she remarks "Oh, remember? You didn't stop before. That's where we died last time"
— Jamie Dixon (@onegirloneblog) April 7, 2022
3 year old: “Eveyone has a mom and a dad, again and again!”
— Dai Steffans (@NoviceAnarchist) April 6, 2022
5 year old: “Oh, it’s a circle!”
Kids just describing reincarnation at the dinner table. No biggie.
My friend was killed during an armed robbery by a bullet meant for me. As a toddler, my daughter one night touched my cheek and said the man with the arm stickers (he had full sleeve tattoos) who sits on the moon was so proud of me 🥺😭😳
— Rhonwyn Newson (@NewRhon) April 7, 2022
I miscarried “Peanut” at 15 weeks, the following year I had another baby. When that baby was 4 I was walking out of his room and he said Mom I miss Peanut. I spun around and said I’ve never told you about Peanut. He said Mom I am Peanut.
— Shannon T. Alford 🇺🇦🌻 (@shannontalford) April 7, 2022
My daughter would stand up in her crib and wave and say “hi see saw!” on a regular basis. One day she saw an old photo of my recently passed grandfather as a young man. She got really excited and yelled “SEE SAW!!”
— Jessica Lyons (@jessglyons) April 6, 2022
His name was Cecil.
This article originally appeared 2 years ago.