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Parents make their two children travel in ecomony while flying in first-class, sparks debate

The video begins with the dad talking to his daughter who is sitting in economy class along with her sibling.

Parents make their two children travel in ecomony while flying in first-class, sparks debate
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @samuel_leads

Parents usually prefer to sit with their kids when they travel by flight or train but this dad wanted to do things differently. Samuel Leeds—who goes by @samuel_leeds on TikTok—shared a video on why he booked his kids' tickets in economy class while he and his wife traveled in the first class on a flight. It sparked a debate on the social media platform, some were fine with their move but others didn't like it.

Image Source: TikTok | @samuel_leeds
Image Source: TikTok | @samuel_leeds

The video begins with the dad telling his daughter, "See you later!" The child excitedly responds, "See you, later!" The kids are seen seated in economy class on a flight with food infront of them. Leeds then turns around and starts walking towards the business class and a voiceover is heard, "Rich people, don't spoil your kids." After this, as the dad is seen crossing the business class, the voiceover says, "Walking past business class because I earned it." 

Image Source: TikTok | @samuel_leeds
Image Source: TikTok | @samuel_leeds

Leeds then enters the dimly lit first-class seats and the voiceover goes, "My dinner is ready." He shows the food that is spread out in front of his seat. He then walks ahead and shows his wife who is scrolling on her phone while eating her food. They then say, "Cheers" while holding their wine glasses. Meanwhile, the voiceover is heard, "My wife who builds the business with me." The video ends with the text overlay, "Agree or disagree?"

Image Source: TikTok | @yaok_itsaries
Image Source: TikTok | @yaok_itsaries

The video is captioned, "Don't worry, they were sat with their nanny. Don't spoil your children." People had mixed reactions to what Leeds shared. @joycen22 commented, "Do they have a little cabin next to your mansion? You don’t want them growing up expecting to live in a mansion." @dj19283 wrote, "This is so strange to me. Maybe I'm just weird. No matter how rich I was I wouldn't want to be away from my kids on a flight." @linlinthedinosaur expressed, "I am baffled by the people who have a problem with this. They have a nanny and are on a plane. The kids are getting to go on vacation as well."

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok |

@iambigpapaswife shared, "As a nanny, I see no problem. It’s not like you left your wife sitting with the kids and your nanny." @setti_15 commented, "I would agree, except I'd always be paranoid of what would happen in the event of an emergency. I'd want my kid with me." @randomname1050 wrote, "I love this! Your hard-earned money, not theirs. They need to learn to make their own. No excuses and this is a teachable moment when they get older." 

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In another story, a woman shared how a mother and plane staff forced her to switch seats with a child. She wrote that her boyfriend had surprised her with a first-class ticket for a long-haul flight. She expressed that she was already a bit overwhelmed by this new experience as she grew up lower middle class. Twenty minutes before the flight took off, a flight attendant approached her with a woman and her kid. 

The mother told her that she had booked a first-class ticket for herself and her son, but due to a booking error, he ended up getting an economy seat. She asked her if she would be okay with switching seats with her so that he could experience first class. The woman politely declined to the mother. She told them that it was her first time in first class and she wanted to experience it. The mom got upset and the flight attendant also sided with her.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pew Nguyen
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pew Nguyen

Observing this, her boyfriend stood up and said that he had bought the tickets and he was a platinum member of the airline and that he tends to book all of his company's business trip flights with the airline, and if she booted me to the economy, he would take his business elsewhere. After hearing this, both the mother and the child went back to their seats but throughout the flight, the woman shared that the flight attendant kept giving her stares. 

@samuel_leeds Don’t worry, they were sat with their nanny ❤️ dint spoil your children #samuelleeds #richpeopleproblems #spoiledchild ♬ original sound - Samuel Leeds


You can follow Samuel Leeds (@samuel_leeds) on TikTok for more content on family and property investment.

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