'I hate parents who provide no structure for their kids who then become other people's problem.'
As much as traveling by flight offers great comfort and saves time, there are also certain drawbacks to it and dealing with annoying passengers is one of them. Many online instances talk about how troublesome kids can be while traveling on a plane and how sometimes, parents become ignorant of such children. u/readysetgorilla posted a video on a Reddit community that showed the mischievousness of a toddler and how the parents did nothing about it. This video garnered huge attention with some blaming the parents while others emphasizing the need for a "child-free" section on flights.
In the 9-second video, a toddler can be seen jumping frantically with bare feet over the tray table and shouting. The toddler's wild jumping caused the passenger in the front seat to be rocking front and back but they seemed to remain calm without responding to the disturbance. However, the parents, too, didn't seem to mind the little one causing discomfort to other passengers. "Letting children run wild during an 8-hour flight," the person who posted the video mentioned. People in the comments were not having it. Many pointed out that the parents must have not let the child cause a disturbance. Some even lauded the passenger sitting in the front for handling it patiently.
"I have two young kids. And they know how to behave in public. And if they don't know how to act in a certain situation, they will (learn) very quickly. My wife and I always addressed their public behavior when it affected other people. It might be harder at the moment, but my kids are now 9 and 7 and they behave like they should in public. I hate parents who provide no structure for their kids who then become other people's problem," commented u/Onwisconsin42.
"I would never allow one of my kids to disrupt someone this way. Talking a little loud is one thing. Having your toddler jump on plane seats while holding onto another person's (stranger) chair is completely WRONG. I hope that man was reimbursed in some way. The parents probably saw nothing wrong with this. Unacceptable!" wrote u/Rhondie41. "That man in the seat in front of the child is either the parent or a saint," wrote u/jbloom3.
This video got people raising concerns over the lack of "child-free" sections on planes. "I'm honestly surprised there aren't any adult-only flights. I'm sure many lawsuits would come from it but I think it's a solid idea," commented u/backtothefuture112. "And then people get upset when they propose child-free sections on planes," commented one Reddit user.
On a similar note, another passenger shared how unreasonable it was for parents to think that "the world needs to bend for them just because they decided to have a child." Myah Elliot (@yomrants) posted a video on TikTok about her experience on a flight when she encountered a mother and child sitting in her seat. "That's the seat I picked when I checked in 24 hours prior because I wanted to make sure I had a window seat. I am very particular about my seating in an airplane and I want to be comfortable," she said. But the mother, without even discussing it, simply told Elliot to take her seat so that she could sit with her family. While Elliot was about to give in to it, another passenger offered their window seat to her. But Elliot did not leave without giving the mom a piece of her mind about her lack of responsibility.