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Parents encourage kids to help make meals for homeless people to remind them how fortunate they are

"We thought the timing was right since our kids just got presents the day prior. We wanted to make sure they didn't lose sight of what matters", their dad said.

Parents encourage kids to help make meals for homeless people to remind them how fortunate they are
Cover Image Source: Tiktok / The Tonz

What do you think of first when you encounter homeless individuals on the street? Are you among those who believe their poor life choices have earned them something bad? Or do you pause and consider how you can help them? Instead of working to assist the homeless get back on their feet, many blame them for their predicament. Few people are aware that the majority of us are only one paycheck away from being homeless. One broken relationship or the loss of a loved one is all it takes to completely upend someone's life. Recently, a dad on Tiktok encouraged his kids to help and pass out food for the homeless to make them realize how fortunate these kids are, and the response was incredible. 



Since Christmas is traditionally all about receiving, these set of kids and their parents decided to give back and appreciate the little gestures of joy and happiness. We all belong to the same race, which is known as humanity, regardless of our skin color, religion, or gender identity.  We all experience hunger, cold, and a yearning for empathy. This is a fundamental human right. The main distinction is that some of us aren't concerned about where we will eat next, or where we will spend the night. Therefore, it is important that we as a society give back to those who do not have it like some of us do. The homeless require our help, therefore we must do so for them. That's all there is to it. Whether or not they can repay the kindness is irrelevant.

The comments under the TikTok post were supportive of what the children did and some think that more people should engage in these activities. One user said, "Such a great idea especially right after the holidays." To which the dad replied, "Thanks! yes, we thought the timing was right since our kids just got presents the day prior, wanted to make sure they didn't lose sight of what matters." Another user penned, "My son does he buys them tents, heaters, gifts cards n foods." A third appreciated the dad saying, "OMG 🙏 🙏 🙏 Bless You and Your Family ❤ Thank You for Bestowing to your Young Ones The True Meaning and Spirit of Sharing ❤ ❤ ❤."

There are many reasons why people end up on the streets, but the urge to survive persists regardless of the cause. This young man, who is homeless, made the decision to create a TikTok account to document how he prepares his meals and how little one can survive when they are in need. Calling himself @randomhomelessguy2, he now has 3M followers. In a neighborhood park that includes power outlets and water fountains, he posted his first TikTok video explaining how he sets things up for cooking. He turns on his $15 Walmart cooker to begin the film and fills a $3 pot with water he collected from a water fountain. He adds noodles and $1 worth of spaghetti sauce after chopping up hot dogs with a cheap knife, as per Bored panda.

TikTok / randomhomelessguy2
TikTok / randomhomelessguy2


Although some users were feeling really kind, others advised him to sell his phone in order to have more money and even questioned the veracity of his claim to be homeless given that he can afford a cellphone. One TikTok user asked how the teenager could be homeless and yet make TikToks, to which he responded with another video. According to the homeless teen, he has an iPhone 11 that his mother got for him last year at the start of 2020 before he became homeless—and it is his most prized possession. In the comments, he expressed gratitude for everyone's concern but denied the financial assistance. From his Instagram, however, we truly hope and think that he is doing well now. 

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