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Paralyzed dogs joyfully greet the man who built their shelter in a heartwarming moment

The video left many people in tears and prompted them to support the cause taken up by the man.

Paralyzed dogs joyfully greet the man who built their shelter in a heartwarming moment
Cover Image Source: YouTube | Voice of Stray Animals

When humans show kindness to animals, many animals express their gratitude in heartwarming ways. It's wonderful to see animals recognize acts of kindness and respond with affection. Reddit user u/nOMnOMShanti shared a touching video of paralyzed stray dogs eagerly greeting a man who built their shelter. As the man entered the frame, the dogs immediately started moving towards him.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes

As the man started petting one dog, all the other dogs gathered around him, eager for affection. He petted each dog and scratched their ears. Next, the dogs lined up for their food as the man served them. He also provided wheeled support for the paralyzed dogs so they could walk and play. The video was shared by Voice of Stray Animals, an organization in Hapur, India, dedicated to improving the lives of disabled and stray animals.



In one of the videos from the channel, the man showed all the facilities the shelter has for paralyzed dogs. It consists of a hospital to treat injured animals, a cottage for volunteers to stay in and an ICU to take care of dogs in critical condition. The shelter has more than 152 dogs. They have separate wheelchairs for each paralyzed dog as per their size which they store separately with number tags on them to not mix them up. The shelter doesn't have concrete ground to ensure that the dogs don't get hurt when they play around the area. They also have arrangements for dogs who can't move much and are mostly bed-ridden. In an adorable moment, the team arranged a designated food bowl and every dog dutifully rushed towards their assigned one to have food. 


People took to the comments section of the post to appreciate the man's kind gesture as well as to support the cause. u/Adventurous_Click178 wrote, "My dog suffers from IVDD. She has episodes of paralysis. It’s heartbreaking. She’s getting over her most recent bout (with the help of rest, steroids, arthritis shots, laser/acupuncture therapy, muscle/nerve relaxers.) We’re trying to avoid another surgery as she’s older. But as long as she’s not in pain and still playful and happy, I’ll never give up on her! Bless this man for not giving up on these dogs either."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Alternative_Ninja_49
Image Source: Reddit | u/Alternative_Ninja_49


Image Source: Reddit | u/papachon
Image Source: Reddit | u/papachon

u/WinterDirection366 remarked, "I want to go there with a bunch of PVC, wheels and harnesses and get all these furry angels able to move without dragging their rear ends around." u/DanceDivaHarmony expressed, "That's heartwarming to see their happiness! It's amazing how much love and joy animals can express, especially when they feel safe and cared for. Great job on building a shelter that clearly makes a big difference in their lives!" u/krushgruuv shared, "Had a friend whose dog lost a leg. Within days, he just powered on and figured it out. Always made me realize how resilient dogs are and how we can learn a valuable lesson in just appreciating life and overcoming adversity." 



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